Time to tell

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'Does he know?' Leeknow panicked to himself. He laughed it off telling himself that Changbin was definitely joking but he really couldn't get it off his mind no matter how much he tried.


Soon after the others left, Changbin and leeknow to
tidy up. There was silence until Leeknow decided to speak up.
"Yah, what did you mean back then? What do you mean by.. someone?" He asked, keeping his voice down so the others didn't hear.

"Well hyung I was waiting for you to tell me but after seeing you use the same spoon without him there seems like your serious abo-"

"WAIT- you saw..?" Leeknow interupted.

"You weren't really hidden were you.." Changbin said stating the obvious.

"Anyway I just couldn't bare seeing you be that desperate.." Changbin shrugged.

"How long have you know for?" Leeknow asked shyly.

"Even though you are pretty ovbious hyung, i only noticed hints a month ago"

'So he knew all this time?' Leeknow thought.
"That's crazy.." Leeknow sighed.

"What's crazy is how Han hasn't found out yet. I mean yes he's a bit slow with things like this but just how slow?" Changbin joked.

Leeknow laughed along. Even though his secret was found out he felt good sharing the experience.
"But would our company even allow this?" Changbin asked out if curiosity.
Leeknow had never thought about it much until now.

"I mean we have been a group for over 3 years now so it shouldn't matter!" Leeknow said trying to curve the question.

"I know but would they allow THIS kind of relationship?.." Changbin insisted.

Leeknow tried to think of an answer back but couldn't. 'They should right?' he thought to himself.
"You know what hyung it's getting late we should go to bed!" Changbin said trying to change the subject after noticing Leeknow's inner conflict.
Leeknow really was easy to read.
They both went off to bed and decided to leave it for the future to deal with.


Morning came and it was stray kids' day-off. Han came out of his room ready to eat but to his surprise there wasnt anything made on the table.
"Yah, Hyunjin hyung I thought it was your turn to make breakfast?" he yelled out.

"Yes it is but I'm eating out eating Seungmin and Jeongin." Hyunjin replied.

"So that means.. Felix, come make breakfast it's your turn today!" he yelled again, hoping Felix was awake.

"He isn't here! He left an hour ago with Bangchan and Changbin to play bowling!" shouted Seungmin as he left his room.

'Who goes bowling at 10 am-' Han sighed.


Hyunjin, Jeongin and Seungmin left, leaving Leeknow (who wasn't even awake to be aware of it) and Jisung at home. Han sat at the table waitung for th food that he had orderd to arrive.
He then decided to wait in Leeknow's room. "Leeknow hyung!" Leeknow woke up to a loud voice. "Wanna watch a movie?"

Author's note:

This took a while..
i mean i didnt really expect it to take this long to write?? it seems like i have no time but i don't have anything to do-
Am i just being lazy?? 🤨
Also i wish the colder days would cone sooner :/
Summer is definitely not my season?
Please carry on reading, i promise it gets better 😉!

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