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"Wanna watch a movie?" Han said enthusiastically. Minho stared into space, he was still trying to process what was going on.


After a while, Jisung's food arrived and he was now in Leeknow's bed watching the movie of Leeknow's choice. "Hyung, couldn't you have picked an action movie?" Han whined.

"Well you shouldn't have asked to watch a movie in my room. It's the basic rules Jisung-ah room owner picks!" Leeknow confronted.
"And whats so bad about romcoms anyway?.."

"Pardon?" Han asked, not catching the last bit Leeknow had said.

"Nothing-" Han sighed in defeat whilst watching the semi-exciting movie.


The movie was reaching it's halfway point. There were a few chuckles from Hans side of the bed which made Leeknow smile. He preferred listening to his laughs instead of the movie. 
Suddenly the main leads started to make out which flustered the whole room atmosphere. Both Leeknow and Jisung sat there stiffly.
All if a sudden, Han felt something making its way into his hand. Leeknow's pinky edged towards Han's.
Both of them still in their stiff positions. As they were about to intwine their fingers, the door bell went off. Han snatched his hand away shyly.

"I'll go answer that.." he chuckled awkwardly, scurrying out of the room leaving Leeknow sat there with his face in his hands.


"Coming!" Han yelled. As he opened the door he saw Felix, Changbin and Bangchan at the door.

"We forgot the key." felix sighed in relief.

"We didn't disturb anything right?" changbin asked teasingly but low-key.

"Not really, me and Minho hyung were just watching a movie." Han replied.

"Really? Guy's lets go join!" Bangchan said.

"Sure." Han sighed.

Author's note:

Hmm this is a little short right??
I really tried to prevent that but at least we had so action from Leeknow 😉😉
He seems to be making his move! Where did he get this confidence from all of a sudden 🤔
Please carry on reading i promise it gets good 🤭

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