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"I think-"

"Why does it even matter, he's interested in someone else!" Leeknow inturupted.

"What for real?!"

"No way.."

"How long have you kept this from us Han?!"
the members started asking an absurd amount of questions which caused Han to freeze.

"Umm, well.."

All of a sudden the door bell rang, stopping the conversation.
"Ohh yeah! The chicken!" Seungmin yelled, excitedly, as he went to get the door.

Han looked towards Leeknow who was already looking at him and mouthed "Thank you."
Leeknow suddenly looked away with a fed up look which puzzled Han.
Although it created an even bigger stir, he was somewhat thankful that the members minds focused on something else.


After the Skz had eaten, some had decided to head off to bed. Leeknow, Changbin, Jeongin, Felix and Jisung were left in living room.
"Guys, I think I'm gonna go to bed, good night." Leeknow said before leaving them.

"Oh yea, me too, see you!" Han said trying to catch up with Leeknow.


Minho made his way into his room. Right behind him, Han managed to slip in too.
"Hyung, we should talk before we go to sleep.. I don't know about you but I can't sleep well knowing I'm on bad terms with you" Han confessed, taking a seat on Leeknows bed.
As much as Leeknow was swayed by those words, he kept a poker face on to show han he wasn't going to go soft on him too easily.

"What do we even have to talk about? I think I got the hint after we left finished that meeting with JYP.." Leeknow said walking over to his desk to sit down.

"Look I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings by saying we should do what JYP asked. I don't even see anything wrong with what I said so maybe you're just being sensitive-" Han said fed up with the whole situation.

"I'm being sensitive?! Maybe you should care about other peoples feelings more! Haven't you once considered my feelings towards you?" Leeknow said raising his voice slightly.

"Hyung you've been ignoring me all day and to be honest you've been doing this a lot recently so how should I understand exactly how your feeling?!" Han said matching Leeknows tone of voice.

"Maybe instead of focusing on Mina you could have seen me! Why couldn't you have focused on me when she broke your heart, huh? Why is she always on your mind and not me? Can't you see me?!" Leeknow yelled causing Changbin to walk into the room.

"Yah what's going on? Why are you arguing?" Changbin asked trying to get an answer out of one of them.

"Hyung.." Han said as his voice broke, trying to get Leeknows attention.

"Han-ah you should just leave. I will talk to Leeknow hyung, okay?" Changbin assured Han.
Blinking back tears, Han nodded and headed to the comfort of his bed.


'I do see you hyung, but did you have to be that harsh?' he thought as he cried himself to sleep.

Author's note:
So i tried adding some emotions to this and i think it worked well! Please tell me a tear was shed whilst reading this 🤞
Who else thinks leeknow was too harsh on hanji!! 😤
leeknow when i catch you leeknow its on site 🫡
imagine making han cry 😔
i wonder how he will make it up to him, will they even make up? 🤔
keep reading as it gets good 😉

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