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They arrived back at the house but theres was a blanket of awkwardness that covered Leeknow and Han. Even though Leeknow tried to act as if nothing was bothering him, the sense of disturbance could still be noticed.
"Minho hyung, are you oaky?" asked a concerned Seungmin.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Minho said hesitantly.

He walked straight into his room leaving Seungmin stood confused.
In the distance Han witnessed everything. He stood for a while trying to think of what could have been the cause for this sudden mood change from Leeknow but nothing came to his mind. He settled on thinking it would be better if he thought about it after a warm shower. Han headed to his room and eventually so did the rest of the kids.


Hans alarm woke him up before any of the other stray kids members. Today was the day. Today was the day of his meet up with Mina.
Han got ready but couldn't help but remember what he saw last night with Leeknow.
'Minho hyung are you really okay?' he thought as he picked up his coat to leave. As Han exited his room, he decided to pass by Leeknows room to talk for a short while.

A snoring Leeknow could be heard as soon as Jisung opened the room door. As han walked closer, he admiered his hyung in deep sleep wondering how soft he looked. Suddenly Leeknow turnt over  and hugged the pillow next to him.
Jisung stood perplexed for a while but found it cute. "Sleep well Leeknow hyung." said Han softly, as he shut the door quietly.

As Han left the house he received a text from Mina telling him that she was there waiting. Normally, Han would try to avoid having the person he is meeting wait for him but this time he didn't feel the need to rush.
Soon after Han got into the taxi. As the ride went on Han couldn't get sleeping Leeknow out of him mind; he smiled to himself.
"What are you smiling at?" the taxi driver asked cheerfully.

"Nothing. I just have someone on my mind."

Author's note:
I like this oneee! we are finally seeing how hanji sees minho~ very very cute if you ask me 🤷‍♀️ i wonder how his day out with mina will go. i think im a bit to excited about this 🥹 dont worry im still team leeknow!! 🫡
make sure to carry on reading as it gets good!! 😉

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