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After their whole trip, Straykids knew it couldnt all be fun and games. It the time that their vome back cane closer and closer. And today was their final dance practice before making it live.
"Okayy lets film this dance practice perfectly for stay~" Leeknow said getting into position.

This comeback was called "Free fly". It was about a group of boys having their own individual hardships but when they come together as a group they forget about all their troubles and have fun, feeling free.
3racha wrote the lyrics to this song which meant Straykids wanted this song to please stay around the world.


"Ughh, hyung is this good enough. I mean I don't think I can dance anymore harder than this. I really have put in all my effort for stay.." Jeongin groaned but also pleased that he had tried his hardest for stay.

"Mmmm, yeah I think this is it!" Leeknow confirmed followed by a harmonious sigh from all the members.

"Ahh I'm starvingg! Leeknow hyung aren't you going to treat us for all this hard work?" Felix said trying to make a free meal out of their last practice.

"Sure! If you give me a kiss for it!!" Leeknow said jokingly, walking closer to the creeped out Felix.

"You know what hyung, its fine, I've lost my appetite.."

"Yah but I'm actually hungry?!" Changbin yelled over. "At least buy mine?"

"You wish-" Leeknow snapped back.

"Please hyung, treat us this once." Jisung asked. Leeknow looked over and for a second all he could think about was how cute han looked.

"Give me a wink." he said impulsively. Han winked at Leeknow with a smile. Automatically, Leeknow smiled towards Han and to himself.

"How come I had to give a kiss but him only a wink?!" Felix argued but Leeknow was lost in Hans smile.

"What are we going to eat then?" Leeknow chirped.

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