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Leeknow and han followed JYP into a room without knowing what would be coming for them.
"Boys, I have had some staff watch you over a couple of days and I have been informed that you have been getting closer than usual."
Leeknow and Han stood there perplexed.

"I think we have been acting normal.." Leeknow lied through his teeth.

"You may think that but others can see. I want you both to try and stay away from each other ther, only on camera and when fans are around. Just so they don't t get the wrong ideas."

"What do you mean wrong ideas?" Leeknow emphasised.

"Hyung just leave it." Han whispered to Leeknow. "Yes sir we will." Han bowed and dragged Leeknow out of the room.


"I don't understand though. What we are doing is normal, we are literally hanging out!" Leeknow yelled turning towards Han.
They had walked away enough so they could be heard by JYP.

"Yeah but it doesn't mean you should lash out like that- You know he's just trying to keep our reputation at its best.." Han reassured Leeknow.

For a second Leeknow stood and stared at Han
'Does he not care about us. About my feelings..' Leeknow thought and he walked away from Han leaving him standing alone.


After the event, the kids went back home to play games together.
"So what should we play?" Hyunjin asked.

"Lets play mario kart!" Jeongin pleaded.

"Noo I swear we always play that! Lets play Call of Duty its way more fun." Seungmin argued.

"Even more funner because you're bad at it-" Bangchan said in the background.

"Yah hyung! What do you mean by that? I'm literally better than you!" Seungmin yelled.
Somehow their bickering lasted for a few minutes before finally they all sat down in a cirlce to play spin the bottle since it was the only non-competitive game they could think of.

After the JYP incident Leeknow had been in a small mood and decided to stay away from Han for a while. As Changbin and Felix set up the game, Han looked over towards Leeknow and felt his sad demeanour.
He couldn't help but stare not realising the game had been set up and it was his turn.
"Han answer Changbin then!" Bangchan said, bringing him back to reality.


"I said truth or dare." Changbin repeated.

"Oh truth.."

"Do you think Minho hyung has feelings for you?"

"Yah what are you doing?!" Leeknow said, startled by the question.

"Actually I have been wondering as well?" Hyunjin added. "You are always together and I see you touch eachothers butts."

"But I always touch yours!" Leeknow counterattacked.

"But not as much as Hannies~" Hyunjin teased. They all sat and waited for Han to answer including Leeknow.

"I think.."


Author's note:
i havent used the other members for a while so its nice seeing them in this chapter right?
jyp is like the villain right now 🙁
trying to break apart my hanji and minhoo~
im still waiting for that answer btw hanjisung!! 🤔
and so is leeknow even though he doesn't seem like it 🤭
please carry on reading as it gets good 😉

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