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"What-?!" exclaimed Leeknow, which caught the attention of a few people.

"Calm down, why are you so worked up?"

"Well how am I supposed to act when you tell me who your crush is. Your crush thats Mina-  Mina from twice?!"

"Well I didn't expect you to react like this. I thought you saw the hints? The way I smiled while she was around.."

As they were talking Han noticed someone walk into a store near by.

"Hold on- Isn't that Mina?"

"Huh? Why would she be out alone and how do you know that's her-" Leeknow questioned, confused.

"Hyung, when you like someone you just know. Now come on she went into that shop-" Jisung said, jogging towards the small store.

"But we are supposed to look for a place to eat-"Leeknow yelled but Han had already made up his mind.


Leeknow walked into the store and immediately spotted Han. He was about to call for him but noticed that he was talking to mina. Trying not to show any jealousy, he walked up to them with a neutral expression.
"...but as I was looking for it I ran into you! I would say this is destiny!" Han said

"Oh Leeknow!" Mina said surprisingly.

"Hi." Leeknow said turning quickly to Han right after "Han, can we go?"

"Oh, did you two come together?" Mina asked whilst having more interest in Leeknow than Han.

"Yes, we were actually looking for a pla-"

"For a place that sells brooms!" Jisung quickly said interrupting Leeknow whilst looking for the closest item to them. "And now that we've found it we'll take our leave. See you!" Han said as he pulled Leeknow along to buy the broom.

"Ah okay see you.." Mina said, left confused.


"Why did you lie to her-  You know its not a crime to look for a place to eat. However we probably won't find a place to eat because we wasted so much time in this store buying this broom we don't even need!"

"Are you done?" Han said without facing Leeknow.


"Let's go." Han said coldly as he walked out of the store.

Leeknow stood not knowing the reason for Jisungs mood change. 'Oh-  Did I say something wrong?' Leeknow thought following Han outside the store.


After the flood of "i'm hungry! Where are you guy's?" texts , they both started walking back to the others. Unlike the previous walk, silence came between Minho and Jisung causing an unknown awkwardness which was strange for them and Minho disliked it. As they reached the boys who relocated to some benches near by, they went their seperate ways.

"What happened between them?" Changbin whispered to Jeongin who was just as confused as he was. Leeknow came over to them and sat in the middle. Slouched.

"Yah, hyung what took you so long" Jeongin said hoping it would start a conversation but instead received a shrug from Leeknow.

This contagious vibe had also spread to Han as well. "Jisung, why do you have a broom- And what happened to looking for a place to eat??" Felix questioned.
Han shrugged whilst handing the concerned Hyunjin the broom. Bangchan could see the tension that the two were creating and told everyone that it was best they got home to sort it out.


Whilst getting in the car's, Bangchan pushed Leeknow into the opposite car that he wanted to go in.
"What are you doing?" the annoyed Leeknow said as he got into the car taking his seat. As his seat belt went on, he turned and saw that his seat partner was  Jisung.
Leeknow could feel the silence approaching and wanted to clear things up with Han.

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since we left that store."

"It's Mina. She doesn't seem to take any interest in me. Do you think I'm boring?" Jisung finally opened up.

"Theres' no way Mina could find you boring. But you might be a bit too hype for her. Maybe you should just forge-"

"So your saying I should switch up my vibe? I mean I was going for a more funny guy look but I guess mysterious could work!" Han said turning to face Leeknow.
"I'm sorry and thank you hyung!" Han said hugging Minho which made him blush.

After they released the Hug Han kept talking about how the next interaction with Mina will go.

Even though Leeknow looked happy for him he couldn't help but feel jealous. Once again Han wasn't looking at him but Mina. Leeknow stared at Jisung rambling on.
"I want you to look at me not her" Leeknow spurted out without thinking. Leeknow sat there embarrassed at what he just said waiting for Jisung to say something.


Author's note:
This love triangle looks interesting!!
It makes me wondered how Leeknow is  going to swoon Hanji over??
Jisung is just too blind to see I guess..
Carry on reading guys, I promise it's fun!

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