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"Huh? What did you say hyung" Jisung said with curiosity.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." Leeknow said content with the fact Jisung didnt hear.

When they arrived home each of them said goodnight and went to their rooms. Jisung entered and shut the door behind him. He leant against the door.
"I want you to look at me not her?" jisung repeated, shaking his head and decided that it wasn't too late for a shower. Before he got in, he couldn't help but think about what Leeknow said to him.
"Maybe I misheard.." Han reassured himself and stepped into the shower.

Even as Han closed his eyes to sleep, the scene kept replaying over and over again.
'What do you mean, hyung?' he thought as he tried to get to sleep.


Stray kids woke up to their staff reminding them of the photoshoot they had in the afternoon so hair appointments needed to be attended.
"Good morning.." Bangchan said to Felix as they walked out of their rooms.

"Morning.." Felix replied back with his morning voice which gave Bangchan a fright.

After a while the rest also emerged from their rooms. The smell of breakfast played a big part. However Jisung was still in his room asleep.
"Has anyone seen Jisung?" asked Seungmin.
Everyone shook their head.

"Leeknow could you go tell Jisung breakfast is ready and that we won't be saving some for him if he isn't here in ten" Bangchan said jokingly making everyone laugh a litttle.



Leeknow knocked on Jisung's door but heard nothing. "Jisung-ah, I'm coming in." Leeknow said, opening the door. As he entered he saw, what was to him, a pretty site. Jisung laid, softly snoring in his bed. Leeknow stared in awe. Minho tried not to resist waking Jisung up but didn't want him to miss the warm breakfast waiting for him.
Expecting Han to wake up, Leeknow felt Jisung moving closer towards him. Leeknow liked seeing Han like this. It was comforting knowing he's sleeping peacefully in his presence.
Minho thought hard but gave in, ending up slipping into bed with Han. Hugging him softly, Leeknow driffted off to sleep.

"Are you two still asleep?! I thought you were waking up Han, Minho?" said Changbin, barging in disrupting the sleep of Minho and Jisung. Han woke up wondering why Minho was in his bed.

"Ahh I was just about to do that but the bed looked um.. Uncomfortable so I wanted to make sure Jisungie wasn't finding it hard to sleep! Yeah.."

"And you expect me to belive that.." Changbin said under his breath.

Seungmin then entered, disrupting the once peaceful room saying "Guys! We have to leave for our appointments! How's Han not ready yet? And what are you doing in his bed Leeknow?-" Seungmin questioned whilst shaking his head before leaving the room.

Leeknow and Han both got out of bed. Changbin and Leeknow left to meet the others in the car's whilst Jisung got dressed.


They finally arrived at their hair appointments. Only a few members actually dyed their hair:
Leeknow- red
Seungmin- light brown
Hyunjin- blonde
whilst the rest just got their hair trimmed and styled.

"Woah, hyung you suit that hair color!" Han said, holding a camera up to film Leeknow.
Leeknow noticed the camera and tried to play it cool but deep inside he loved the complement. Especially because it was from Jisung.

"Thank you." Leeknow said nonchalantly.

"Hyung you look very good!" Han continued.

"Thank you"

"Your hair looks so cool hyung!"

"Thank you, I will tell the stylist you said that." Leeknow said.

"Okay." Jisung said teasingly.

"Okay." Leeknow replied, getting up to fill his cup.

"Hyung, is that hot water?" Han asked still recording.

"mmmm" Leeknow confirmed.

"Oh no is our hyung sick?!" Han joked.

Leeknow played along saying "No I'm using it to pour onto you."

"Noooo if you do that I'll melt awayy!" Jisung said cutely.

"Good-" said Leeknow, making Han burst out laughing. 

Leeknow liked this. Leeknow liked him.

Author's note:
see what i did there? Only the true minsung stans would have noticed!
However, I may have forgotten to add seungmin into the first 2 chapters.
Forgive me guys!!
I'll be giving him more lines to make up for it!
Carry on reading because the next few chapters will be fun!

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