Pop up store

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After their, once again successful, stage the skz had an event to attend. They needed to visit their pop up shop. Leeknow seemed bothered by this as he got into the car. He had been wanting to talk to Jisung since the day before but has missed every opportunity to.

Han approached, sitting next to him.
"Hyung, you know you can be very needy sometimes." Han said teasingly.
Leeknow suddenly remembered the texts he sent to Han. He had ment to delete the last one but was interrupted and soon forgot about it.

"What? No I'm not! I just wanted- um.. Food! Yes I was so hungry and you didn't even respond to my texts. So obviously you would need to come home quickly." Leeknow argued as he turned his rosy face away from Han.

"Sure, hyung, sure" Han laughed.

Before silence could take over Leeknow asked Han, shyly "Anyways, how was your date with Mina?"

"I told you before it wasn't a date! It was just a day out and to be honest it was quite calming. I think I got to refelct on what has been happening these past few days. You know coming to realisation."

'Realisation?About what?' Leeknow thought.
"So wh-" as Leeknow was about to ask once more, they had reached their desination and their conversation cane to an end.


Approaching the shop, fans were all stood outside as they, somehow, found out where Straykids would be and at what time. The kids managed to get through the screaming of stays which they always loved to hear.
Finally, they made it into the store and were given pens to "customise" the place. Han and changbin started drawing on the walls; writing down their heights which were definitely not their actual ones.

The rhythm of their laughter was heard from all over the store. Leeknow stood afar admiring Han in this state. He loved his laugh when it was most natural. Leeknow then went off to draw as he realised he had been staring for a bit too long.


Somewhere else in the store, the kids found their skzoo which were funnily toddler sized. They started to take selfies with their skzoo as they knew stay woukd love to see them.
As Han was taking selfies, Leeknow also came into the shot. Soon after, they decided to start taking selfies with the quokka skzoo.
"Yah quokka pose properly for the canera!" Leeknow said jokingly.

"Right! Listen to your mum quokka." Jisung joined and they both burst out laughing.

"Wait how come I have to be the mum?" Leeknow yelled.

"Because you are the mum in Skz family!" Han retaliated.

Laughing once more, their eyes met in all the action and they stared which felt like it lasted for hours.
All of a sudden a familiar voice was heard.

"What are you doing boys?"
As soon as they heard, both Han and Leeknow stood up hurriedly.

Park Jinyoung (JYP)

"I think we should have a talk.."

Author's note:
ooooooooooooo~ i think this chapter has a lot if ups and downs. ANDDD we have now been introduced to big JYP!! 🫡
I wonder if he will be suspicious of whats going on with leeknow and hani? 🤔
if he does we go and protest 😤
in all honesty thank you so much for all the reads that i have been getting recently i really appreciate it. i promise to upload more regularly!
please carry on reading as it gets good!

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