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The next morning was silent unlike the rest. The other members had been informed about the fight between Han and Leeknow which left the breakfast table in thought.
"Woah! I can't belive that happened yesterday.." sighed Hyunjin.

"I can't believe I missed it!" groaned Seungmin.

"Right! I think I should stop having early nights, I have now realised they do me no good." Jeongin added in agreement.

"On a serious note, this is totally strange for Leeknow and Han." Bangchan said who was also absent that night.
"They are usually really close and when ever they do bicker they sound more like an old married couple."

"Yeah, something serious must be going on for them to have argued like that." Felix contemplated.

"Well what ever it is, we should just confront them! We are a group aren't we, so we should share our feelings with-" before Jeongin could finish his sentece, Leeknow walked into the kitchen.

All of a sudden the room went silent.

"Oh! Umm.. Good morning hyung.." Jeongin said who was surpisingly silent than earlier.

"Morning, did you guys leave any food for me?" Leeknow asked nonchalantly.

"Err yea right here. How could we forget you hyung!.." Hyunjin said trying to bring up the mood.

As Leeknow sat down to eat his relatively warm food, Changbin couldn't hold back and asked "Yah hyung, what really happened last night? With Jisungie.."
Lee Minho stayed silent and so did the rest of the boys who were waiting for his answer.

"JYP asked us to stay away from eachother. Only whilst being shown on canera. You know, so people don't misunderstand." Leeknow said reluctantly.

"And what was your response?" Bangchan questioned.

"Well I didn't think we did anything for people to misunderstand but Han was just so obedient as if he thought we were in the wrong." Leeknow shook his head in disapproval.

"So that's how it all started huh?" Felix said, taking in all the information.

"Hyung I understand why you would be feeling this way but can't you understand Jisung's point of view. Maybe he just wanted the best for both of you. Besides it's not like you like Jisung, right?" Hyunjin chuckled.

"Well, I-" Leeknow felt weird inside. He thought maybe it was time to tell the rest of Straykids his secret but was inturupted by Changbin.

"That doesn't matter Hyunjin. They shouldn't be asked to be someone they aren't." Changbin concluded.

As Leeknow heard this, he felt relaxed at heart.
'I will tell them, just not today..' Leeknow smiled.

"By the way shouldn't we wake up Hannie now, we have a schedule later." Seungmin said trying to change topic.

"Leeknow go wake him up." Bangchan ordered.

Leeknow knocked on Han's door but didn't hear an answer from Jisung so he decided to walk in.

"Guys!" Leeknow yelled rushing out of the room. "Han's gone!"

Author's note:
ummm where is hanji?!!
i really tried adding in the other characters more as i felt they have been quite distant in these last few chapters-how did i do? 🤭
School has taken up mist of my time but i pulled through to wrote this chapter so please star it! 🥹🤞
Its starting to get colder these days so please keep warm and dont get sick. Even when you do get sick make sure to read my book as i promise it gets good! 😉

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