Between us

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Leeknow sat on the edge of Han's bed but didn't look in his direction.
The prolonged silence between them became unbearable to Han who decided to break the ice. "Should I start first or.." Han asked, feeling uneasy.

"It's better if I do." Leeknow said quietly.
"When I kissed you this morning, don't think too much about it. I was just worried so don't distance yourself from me." Leeknow started to rant.
"That might be the worst you could do to me. I don't think I could stay settled knowing you aren't in my reach, knowing I won't be able to talk to you when I need to. As I realised all this, I figured maybe I do have feelings for you. Feelings that I have been pushing away for a while.. But you don't have to like me back, all I need is for us to stay like this, like normal! So don't stay away from-" as Leeknow rambled on with tears welling in his eyes, Han interrupted him.

"Hyung, there's no reason for me to stay away from you. I really appreciate how you have been feeling for me. All these things you have been doing for me and the way you look out for me may have already told me that the feelings were there. Knowing that you may of had feelings for me should have been a warning sign for me to stay away from you but why did I let you carry on showing your affection? Then I realised that.. I realised that I like you.." Jisung said as he turned Leeknow to face him.

Leeknow became red in the face as he took in what Han had said. 'He finally likes me back!' Leeknow thought as a smile grew onto his face.
"Jisung-ah.." Leeknow said lost for words.

"So where do we go from here?" Han asked looking into Leeknows eyes.
"JYP will definitely not allow this.." Jisung wanders off in thought.

"So let's keep it to us!" Leeknow said enthusiastically

Authors note:
can i please get a round of applause!
i finally wrote a chapter (with a little prompting from someone 😉)
it really helps me push on knowing someone is really eager to read my book!
they have finally told each other their mind but what now? 🤔
i wonder what they will go through to keep this secret to themselves
please read on as it gets good 🤭

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