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Their hair appointments were done which left the clothes that they needed for the shoot last. They were advertising for Adidas Japan, so funky outfits were set out ready for stray kids to wear.
Changbin and Hyunjin were up first while the rest had their hair and makeup touched up.
"Wooo hyung's you look like pro's" Felix said hyping up the two.

Han and Leeknow were up next. Since they were known for having good chemistry with eachother, the shoot was going smoothly. As they posed for the camera, their eyes kept meeting making leeknow blush uncontrollably.
Pose after pose they became more comfortable inching closer and closer. For their last pose they sat together, embracing one another. To leeknow it was like a dream.
The photographer praised them and told them to get ready for the individual shoots.


Leeknow decided to go first. Han watched from behind the camera's as Leeknow posed.
While Leeknow was getting his hair redone, he noticed Han talking to mina. He felt uneasy seeing them together. Leeknow sighed deeply watching them walk away together.

"Han do you have a minute to talk?" Mina asked hesitantly.

"Sure, what's up?" Han said.

"Well could we talk somewhere more private?"

"Okay.." Han said 'What does she need to tell me? Could she finally like me the same way?!' Han thought excitedly while following Mina.


After Leeknow's shoot he went to find Han to tell him it was his turn to take the individual shoot but when he went to the changing room he couldn't find him. He asked one of the staff nearby if they had seen him and they told him the direction in which Han had went.

As Leeknow walked down the hall he heard mumbling but couldnt tell who. Approaching the last room he saw two standing figures.
He could also hear the conversation much clearer.

Mina moved closer to han. Han tensed up.
"You know your such a good friend!"


From both Leeknow and Han.

There was silence.

"Mmhm.." Jisung managed to hum. 'So I'm just a friend?' he thought.

"well, I like Leeknow.." Mina said excitedly.

"And what does that have to do with me?" Han said coldly which shook Mina a bit.

"Umm, you are good friends with him so I thoug-"

"You thought what? That you could use me to get to him? So all this time, you approached me because you wanted minho not me?!" Han said unexpectedly.

When he caught onto what he had just said, all he could think of doing was leaving the room.

As Han turnt the corner he bumped into Leeknow. As he looked into Leeknow's eyes he felt tears emerging in his eyes. Leeknow leant forward and pulled Han into his chest.
As Han sobbed Mina left the room.
Leaving them in the hall. Leaving them and their moment together.


Leeknow stayed close carressing Han's head. "Hyung, I knew she was never into me but I wanted to have a bit of hope that she would.." Han sat there taking in the rejection.

"It's not your fault Hannie. You just weren't fit for eachother. Don't be so hard on yourself. You can always lean on me, remember I'm your hyung!" Leeknow reassured Han.

After a while Leeknow reminded Han that it was his turn for the indiviual shoot so they made their way back to the shoot.

Author's note:

What an emotional chapter...
Who else hates seeing hanji so heartbroken??
But of course Leeknow is there to comfort him! In Leeknow we trust!!
This chapter is kinda short don't you think?
I will make sure to make the next chapter longer!
Please carry in reading!!

don't show, don't tell | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now