I miss you

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Since the Straykids  had a scheduled performace at a music show, Han and Minas day out was called short. They said their goodbyes and went their own ways.
Han entered the taxi home and as he checked his phone, which was flooded with messages from Leeknow.
-I wanted to send you off!!
-have fun then.. 😤
-bring me food when you get back?
-I miss you, come quickly.
The last text repeated in Jisungs mind 'Wait for me Minho hyung..'


Jisung arrived at the music show and was greeted by all the members. As Leeknow stood in the back, he eventually tried to make his way towards Han. Suddenly, Han was told by staff that he needed to get his makeup and hair done in time for the performance. Since he was the last of the kids to get ready, he walked away leaving Leeknow stood watching; thinking about how the gods were not in his side today.


After some time had passed, Han came out of the dressing room with his make up and hair all done. As he looked towards Leeknow, he saw him holding a camera. 'He must be vlogging for skz talker. Cute.' Han thought before walking over.

"Oh Hannie has joined me~" Leeknow said cutely, still looking into the camera.

"Stay, hello." Han said.

"Oh I don't remember you being so pretty?" Leeknow questioned.

"I just had my makeup done."

"I just slept and woke up and you look so pretty~" Leeknow carried on.

"Thank you hyung."

"But I like your bare face more.." Han looked at Leeknow, flustered from what he had said, who was now looking at him to. They stared for a while like they were telling eachother something only they understood.
I missed you.

"Get ready to go on stage!" a staff yelled taking both Han and Leeknow out of their trance.
"Lets go!" Han said trying to make the situation less awrkward.

Before the kids went on stage they stood in a circle with their hands held together and did a chant for good luck.
"1,2,3 fighting!"
As the other members lifted their hands in unison to let go,  Jisung held onto Leeknows hand a little longer. Leeknow blushed at the thought but was interrupted by Bangchan.
"Why are you still standing there?"
Leeknow looked around and noticed all the members left to the stage including Han.


Author's note:
please tell me this isnt leeknows dream bc he would hate to wake up right now. i respect mina and han having that deep conversation as han has finally made a decision.
but what happens when word gets out?
keep reading as it gets good 😉

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