Part 3

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*In Natasha's room*

"Natasha, malysha, what a lovely surprise." (baby) A woman with a strong Russian accent says on the other end of Nat's cell phone.

"This is not a nice so called family chat, Melina, this is business. Where is The Red Room?" Natasha bluntly asks as she puts on her suit, her phone on loud speaker.

All that can be heard after Natasha's question is quiet mumbles until soft knocks make Nat's head snap toward her door.

"Come in." She speaks softly, knowing who it is.

Wanda hesitantly opens the door and steps in, closing it behind her before bursting into tears.

"Send me the location, Melina." Natasha says before hanging up and opening her arms out for the witch.

Wanda moves closer to Nat and wraps her arms around her. "Shhh, It's all going to be okay, dorogoy." Nat whispers as she gently plays with her hair.

"I-I wanna come with you." Wanda speaks up after calming down.

Natasha pulls away from the hug and places both her hands on either side of Wanda's head. "Honey, It's like a dangerous game here, why don't you stay here and watch your sitcoms with Vision?" She asks, her gaze softening but still a hint of sternness in her voice.

The Sokovian hesitantly nods her head before Nat pulls her back into a tight hug.

Wanda takes a seat in the compounds sitting room with Vision, flicking through her favourite sitcoms before choosing an episode of Dick Van Dyke.

"We'll be back before you know it." Natasha says as she smiles at Wanda before leaving the compound with the rest of the team.

*Time skip*

"Alright boys, listen up. Tony and Clint, I want you both with me on the east side of the building, Steve and Thor, I want you both-". Natasha begins explaining the plan out of the mission on the quinjet before finally landing it right where they need it to be.

*Inside The Red Room*

Y/N's POV:

Honestly, I enjoy this room more than I should. No one speaks to me, no one comes in to check on me, I'm literally just left alone in here. But not today, nope.

A loud alarm echoes through the whole building and Dracov swings the cell door open.

"Out, NOW!" He yells and without any further question, I obey.

He whispers in my ear which makes my whole brain switch. I now have one job and one job only.

Get Natasha Romanoff.

I leave the office with Dracov after he shows me a photo of my target and make my way towards the Widow's training room and gather everyone from inside.

They all race towards a group of people that i've never seen before in my life. Each Widow pulling out their guns on the people but before they can even shoot, shiny red powder fills the air and suddenly the pistols drop to the ground.

I back away slowly and sprint down a long corridor, stopping suddenly as the east side where I'm currently at blows up.

How could this be happening? We are miles away from the ground. How the hell did they find us?

I run back the other way to avoid falling off the side that had previously been blown off and fallen to the ground below. I walk backwards, not really knowing where to go until i stop in my tracks yet again. This time for a whole other reason.

"Going somewhere?" A taller woman with auburn red hair says as she looks down at me with a slight smirk on her face.

Natasha Romanoff, my target.

I swiftly pull out my pistol and aim it at her head, in between her emerald eyes. "you're better off playing it safe, Romanoff, you're wanted around here." I say as i look up at her.

She laughs at my words before speaking.
"Oh, I could imagine I am, Y/N."

"Dracov would like to see you." I say bluntly, completely missing the fact that she already knows my name.

"Come on then, let's go see him, yeah?" She says, that stupid smirk yet again plastered on her face.


We arrive at Dracov's office, I knock twice before he pulls the door open.

"Natasha Romanoff for you, Sir." I state before turning around to leave.

"Y/N, I need you in here too." He replies. How many times am I going to get stopped today?

I roll my eyes and walk in behind Natasha while the rest of her 'team' are out doing god knows what.

"Natasha, what a nice surprise." Dracov says sarcastically. "Have you come to your senses and decided to come back?" He adds.

"Over my dead body, where is she Dracov?" She yells, making me flinch a little.

Dracov - "Who?"

Natasha - "You know exactly who i'm talking about, don't play dumb with me, i know she's still here!"

Dracov - "Ah yes, your precious Yelena. Oh she's a great fighter, a perfect assassin, almost as great as you."

Wait... Why are they talking about Lena? How does she know her?

Natasha - "Stop, just stop."

Natasha pulls out her own pistol and aims it at Dracov's head. I don't know what that red powder was but i'm pretty sure it's gotten to my head because I don't even feel like I should be trying to stop this.

Dracov - "What if i told you that your sister is dead?"

Something in Natasha snaps and she pulls the trigger, only for it to be stuck.

Dracov - "What's wrong? Is the safety on? Here, let me see."

He takes the gun from her hands and aims it at the ceiling, pulling the trigger causing it to fire.

Ummm, what the fuck?

"I don't know what you're protecting anymore, Dracov. The Widows are all out safe so now we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way and I know which one you'd prefer." Natasha states, anger clearly taking over.

I can't bare to watch anymore, I can't deal with tearing more families apart, I don't want to do this anymore.

I pull out my pistol yet again but instead of aiming for Natasha, I direct my aim to Dracov, pulling the trigger. Unlike Natasha's previous attempt, mine actually works and Dracov falls to the floor.

"Holy shit Y/N, you did it." Natasha looks over at me in shock, yet she still smiles.

"Look, get the Widows far away from here, back to their families. Leave me here, please." I say as tears threaten to fall down my face.

"Y/N, if I leave you here, you will go down with the whole craft." She says as she walks closer to me.

"Exactly." I whisper, she just looks at me, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I've got nothing, no family, no home, no friends. Natasha there's not much point in you wasting your time rescuing me." I add.

"And that's where you're wrong, love" She replies, her usual smirk replaced with a soft smile.

What does she mean by that?

I look at her, clearly confused and she just chuckles.

"Come on, let's go" She says, I follow her to the jet that she arrived here in.

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