Part 6

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"Y/N, come upstairs with me." Tony says after finishing his cookies, clearly excited.

"Ummm, no." I reply, I know he SEEMS friendly, but is he actually..?

Natasha chuckles at my response. "Would it make you feel better if I came with you, sweetheart?" Nat asks, I nod my head slightly.

We walk upstairs and go down a long corridor, I start to pick at the skin on my fingers as my anxiety is getting worse. Natasha notices so she grabs my hand and holds it in hers in attempt to stop me so i don't make my fingers bleed.

"So, behind this door is your own room. The door on the left is Natasha's room and the door opposite is Wanda's." Tony says before opening the door to my brand new room.

"Go on..." He says as he stands behind me, ushering me into the room. I just stay still, like a statue until Natasha walks in first, pulling me by my hand knowing I won't go in by myself.

I look around the large room, scanning it for any danger before I look properly. There's a double bed with black bedding, a desk, a big screen tv connected to the opposite wall of my bed and a wardrobe along with an ensuite bathroom.

"You did all of this? For me?" I ask as I turn around to face Tony. He just nods his head with a soft smile on his face, showing his pearly white teeth. "Why?" I continue.

"Because you deserve it, Y/N. It's not much but tomorrow, Romanoff will take my bank card so you can both go shopping." He announces. "You'll need clothes, shoes, toiletries, whatever you'd like to decorate your room, a phone, an Ipad and a laptop. pick whatever brand you like, cost doesn't matter." He winks.

I thank him and tell him how grateful I am before walking up in front of him, reaching my hand out for him to shake which he does. He then leaves the room, leaving me and Natasha alone.

"I'll be back in just a moment." She says before she also leaves my room. I take a seat at my new desk and once again I find myself staring holes into a wall.

Natasha comes back through my open door just as she said, humming a tune before speaking. She has changed into grey sweats and a plain white tank top "Here you go."

She places a folded over-sized white t-shirt and a pair of grey comfy shorts on my bed. "You can sleep in these clothes of mine till we go shopping tomorrow." She says.

"Why were you humming?" I bluntly ask.

She laughs at my bluntness, "I figured if I did, you'd know it was me and you wouldn't get scared."

I am grateful for that, the fact that she thought about how to approach me was sweet. Surely I can trust her?




"Thank you, Natasha. For the clothes and.. You know.." I say almost silently.

She yet again glances me a big smile, "I'll leave the room and wait outside while you get changed, once you're done we can go get Wanda and show you how your new tv works. Maybe watch a film if you're up to it, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good." I reply.

And just as she told me she would, she leaves my room and closes the door behind her. I take off my suit, hanging it up in my wardrobe before throwing on the clothes that Natasha had left on my bed.

I open my door and Natasha smiles at me, "come on then, Milashka, let's go find your sister." (cutie)

Natasha takes my hand and leads me downstairs, making our way to the sitting room where Wanda is, along with Clint and Steve.

"Hi Y/N/N!" Wanda screeches loudly in an excited high-pitched voice, making me wince at the sound.

"Inside voice remember, Wanda." Clint pleads and from then on she starts speaking a little quieter.

"Hey, Dorogoy, me and Y/N came to ask if you'd like to watch a film with us in her new room." Natasha says which makes Wanda even more excited but she still speaks softer.

"Yes, yes of course! I'd love to!"

We go back to my room and Natasha shows me how to work the tv, it seems quite simple so we chose a film. We agreed to watch 'Pitch Perfect 1' because according to Wanda, you can never go wrong with those films.

I look over to Wanda as the film plays, she's laid with Natasha's arm wrapped around her, she seems to trust her a lot. Natasha must have picked up on what I was staring at so she reaches her other arm out to wrap it around me and I allow it.

I really don't know how to feel about it, all I know is I don't exactly hate it.

*After the film*

"Sooo, Y/N, what did you think to it?" Wanda asks me.

"It was great! Can we watch the second one?" I question as I look at both her and Natasha.

Natasha laughs, "I'm glad you enjoyed it but we will have to watch the second one tomorrow instead, you need to get some sleep, both of you."

Wanda groans and rolls her eyes at Natasha's reply, "boringgg."

"Ha, less of that thank you." Natasha says as she playfully shoves Wanda. "Say goodnight to Y/N please then you need to be getting to bed."

Wanda says goodnight to me before leaving my room and going into her own, closing her door behind her.

Natasha gets off my bed and I do the same before getting under the covers. "If you need anything at all, come into my room and grab it, you have my permission. Wake me if you need me, goodnight, Milashka." And with that, she leaves my room and closes my door.

*3 AM*

After tossing and turning for the past four hours, I decide to give sleeping up as a bad job. Every one in the compound is asleep which actually works out perfectly for my sudden idea.

I get out of bed and ever so quietly open Natasha's door, sliding through it before not fully closing it behind me. I creep up to her bedside drawer and open it, revealing my pistol and knives.

"Bingo." I whisper to myself and reach my hand in to grab them.

"Yeah, I don't think so." I hear a voice say from behind me.

"Shit." I mumble.

"ten out of ten for effort though." Natasha chuckles, closing the drawer. "Back to bed, sneaky."

She walks me back into my room. Little does the other so called assassin know, I slipped one of my knives into the pocket of her shorts that I'm wearing.

"And I'll have that knife that you managed to creep past me with." She says, smirking while holding her hand out for it.

Never mind...

I roll my eyes and hand it to her, then I crawl back into bed. "Get to sleep now please, Milashka." She orders before heading out the door. Not long after my head hits my pillow for the second time, I fall asleep.

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