Part 5

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"Y/N... Y/N wake up." I hear a voice say.

At the speed of sound I jolt up and grab my pistol, once again aiming it at her head in instinct. She slowly steps forward as I walk backwards, gun still in aim.

Soon after, my back hits a wall of the jet. Natasha looks at me, worriedly. "Put the gun down, honey, it's only me." She says lightly.

I lower my gun and she takes it from my hands and puts the safety cap on before placing it in her own suit pocket.

"Come on, we're here."

I follow behind her, hesitantly stepping out of the jet and on to the ground in front of a huge building.

"Natasha, where are we?" I ask, quietly.

"We are at the Avengers compound, in New York." She replies.

I stand still, frozen in fear. New places always terrify me, especially when I know there's going to be a lot of people around.

Natasha notices my discomfort and she reaches her hand out, which I sceptically took.

"It's okay, there's someone I'd like you to meet." She comments.

"Nu-uh, I am not meeting anybody thank you very much." I try to pull my hand away but she tightens her grip a little, not enough to hurt though.

"Trust me, you'll want to."

I walk next to her towards the building, my hand still in hers while chewing on my nails of my other hand.

We step through the front door of the building and I'm greeted by the men that I didn't speak to on the jet. I learned all their names pretty quickly, then I begin scanning the room while standing still behind Natasha, practically hiding.

I zone out while looking at the wall in front of us while Natasha talks to the others, the only thing that pulled me out of my trance was a red robot man walking down the stairs, following behind him was a girl that looked very similar to me.

No way. It couldn't be. She's dead! Right?

She didn't seem to notice me as I was still hiding, that was until Natasha reached behind her to grab my hand again. She pulled me round so I'm standing in front of her with my back to her. She places both her hands on each of my shoulders comfortingly.

"Wands." She shouts to the other girl.

Wanda snaps her head to my direction and tears begin to stream down her face as tears fall down mine.

"Oh my god! Y/N!" She screams, I flinch at her sudden yelling and she runs over to me. I try to go back to hiding behind Natasha but she keeps me in my place, still in front of her.

Wanda stops in front of me, backing away a little before speaking. "I can't believe you're alive."

I scan her face. Am I dreaming? I look up behind me to Natasha and she gives me a sweet smile. "It's okay, love, you're safe, she's real."

I look back at Wanda and pull her into me, hugging her tightly. "It's really you." I say, mainly to myself.

She pulls away, "I'm so sorry, Y/N/N, I thought you died with, well, you know"

"Mama and Papa, I know, I thought you and Pietro did too." I reply, a moment of realisation hits me.

"Wait... If you're here... Where's Pietro?" I ask, Wanda looks down at her feet, playing with her rings like I do as the room falls silent. No one daring to speak.

Wanda looks up at Natasha and Natasha nods her head before turning me round to face her.

"Y/N, Pietro was shot two years ago on a mission in Sokovia, I'm so sorry." She informs, sadness in her eyes as tears begin to form in them.

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