Part 11

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*The next day*

So today is day one and I'm fed up of being alone already...

For todays plans, I've decided that I'm going to have a look at the shops that Tony had told me about yesterday.

I get changed into a pair of skinny black ripped jeans and Tasha's oversized black jumper before putting on my black convers pumps. As I'm about to leave, I grab my back pack and throw my keys, purse and iPad in there so if I find a café, I can draw on my iPad with my apple pencil that Stark bought me as a random gift 'just because'.

I lock the door after I leave the compound and make my way to the shops. It's pretty busy but I brought my earphones so I don't have to listen to all the loud noises.

As I walk down the streets, a cute little café catches my eye. The chimes ring as I open the door and I'm politely greeted by a woman who glances me a warm smile.

"Good morning, what can I get for you today?" She asks.

"Hi, could I get a hot chocolate please?" I ask, nervously as I haven't really spoken to anyone outside of the compound. Whenever I go to places like this, Tasha usually speaks to the people for me so it was a little weird doing it by myself.

She tells me the price and I pay with Tony's card that he had given to me before I go and take a seat on the comfy seat at the table next to the window.

I pull my iPad out of my bag and begin to draw on my app called 'Procreate' before the kind lady comes over to my table with my drink.

"Here you are, love." She says with a smile. I thank her before she turns around to serve more customers and I continue with my drawing as I wait for my drink to cool down.

"Hey, that's a pretty cool!" A young man said as he pointed his finger towards my iPad.

"O-oh, thank you!" I say before he turns around to make his order.

"Ah, Mr Parker, I'm assuming you'll have the usual for both you and your gorgeous Aunt too?" A man says from behind the counter, smirking as the young man rolls his eyes before nodding his head.

I don't want to seem nosey so I put my earphones back in and carry on with my drawing.

After a while, I get fed up of staying in the same place so I pack my things into my bag and head out of the building after thanking the baristas.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" A man who looks to be in his mid twenties asks me.

I ignore his question and carry on walking but he grabs my arm and spins me around to face him.

"I asked you a question, bitch." He scoffs as his friends watch him from a distance.

"Oh, is this how you think you get women? You don't get out much, do you?" I laugh but I can tell that this just makes him more infuriated.

"Oh you think you're smart, huh? Running your mouth like that? How about I take you on a date and show you a good time?" He says, a disgusting smirk plastered on his face.

"HA! How about, no." I reply.

"You WILL come with me." He yells in my face.

This bitch.

"Oh, will I?" I say as I pull out my pistol that I had snuck out of Tasha's room, aiming it at his head.

Hel releases my arm from his firm grip before backing away slowly. "W-what I said before, it was all only a joke. M-my friends sent me over here to talk to you and said that I couldn't get your number." He stutters as he stumbles over his own feet and falls to the floor.

My aim stays in place in between his eyes. "And yet here you are, without my number but instead, my gun pointed to your head." I chuckle. "It's quite pathetic if you ask me." I add.

I lower my gun and allow him to stand up before punching him right where I had my aim placed, causing his nose to bleed excessively.

I turn around, feeling quite proud of myself and make my way back to the compound.

I place my bag on the sofa as I walk in and pull my phone out of my back pocket to see a message from Tasha.


Tasha <3: Hi, Milashka, how's your day going?

Me: Pretty good actually, I went to the nearby café and almost shot a guy :) How about you?

Tasha <3: Right... We will talk more about that later when I have more time, my day is going as good as far as it goes whilst I'm on these missions, I have to go now though, stay safe and NO SHOOTING PEOPLE! I love you, Milashka, Wanda says to tell you that she loves you <3

Me: We definitely don't need to talk more about it... I love you both too, please be safe <3

I put my phone back in my pocket and take my bag back to my room before changing my trousers into Tasha's grey joggers and crawling onto my bed to watch TV.

I watch it until I see a dog come up on screen and it gives me the brightest idea ever.

I grab my purse and take one of Tony's cars as the nearest pet shop is at least an hours walk and there is NO WAY I am walking when I can just drive... Right?

I get into the drivers seat and start the car, driving off after placing the location of the pet shop into the built in satnav.

Driving is pretty easy for me, I learned in The Red Room so I guess you could say it had SOME pros...

After I find a space to park in, I exit the car and lock it before walking into the shop.

I am yet again politely greeted by a youngish woman who stands by the door, waiting for people to come in.

"Hello, Ma'am, how may I help you today?" She asks.

"I would like to look at the puppies please!" I exclaim.

She smiles at me and tells me to follow her, which I do. We walk to the opposite side of the shop where I see multiple decent sized glass cages with at least three puppies in each. I am overloaded with cuteness and something in me wants to take all of them home but I know everyone would kill me for getting just one puppy, never mind twelve.

I look around at each of them but only one particular pup catches my eye. The most BEAUTIFUL Australian Shepherd I've ever seen in my life.

"Would you like her?" The sweet lady asks with a soft smile

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"Would you like her?" The sweet lady asks with a soft smile.

"Yes, of course!" I squeal, causing her to laugh.

She opens the glass door and scoops the puppy up and places her into my arms.

My heart has officially been stolen.

I pay for her and take her to the pet supplies shop that is just over the road. I buy her a bed, food and water bowls, toys, a collar, lead, food, treats and some training pads. She is honestly the cutest ever!

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