Part 20

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I wake up in a strange room, not the first time but I still panic like it is. Difference is, this time I have no energy to panic, to scream, to shout for help. Nothing, I just lay here in this bed, silent.

Well, that was until a blonde haired woman waltzes through the door.

"Hi, Miss Y/L/N, my name is Doctor Grey, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks me.

"Confused.." I reply, genuinely.

"May I ask what you're confused about?" She asks, a little concerned.

"Why you aren't like.. beating me, I failed, right?" I comment, still quite panicked.

Her face suddenly drops, her eyes showing nothing else but sympathy. "Miss Y/L/N, I can assure you that you are in safe hands here, we here to take care of you. I promise. Your team are sitting in the waiting room, would you like them to come in?" She asks.

"Only the Spidey guy."

She nods her head before leaving the room. Okay, so I'm in a hospital, or am I? Everything is a blur, he honestly seems like the only person that wouldn't beat me for doing wrong.

"Hey, Y/N." A man says softly, no suit?

"P-peter, what are you doing here?" I ask, extremely confused.

"You asked for, and I quote 'the spidey guy'.." He chuckles.

"Mhm, so why isn't he here?" I question.

"He is."

I look around the room for him to see if he's hiding but Peter holds my face in his hands. "It's me, love."

My face turns a lighter shade of pink. "Y-you're Spider-Man?"

"I'm genuinely surprised Wanda didn't tell you. That girl can't keep secrets even if her life was on the line." He laughed out.

Wow, I'm genuinely shocked.

"Miss Romanoff is pretty upset you said no to seeing her, you know." He says softly, his hands now moved from my face to holding my hand instead.

"She'll hurt me, Peter, I failed." I reply, my eyes all glossy from the tears threatening to fall down my face.

"Natasha? Hurt you? No no no, Y/N, she would never. She spoke about you all the time on this mission AND the mission before, telling us that you and Wanda are like daughters to her. If she was gonna hurt anyone, it will be Stark cause he was with you when this all happened." He reassures me, but I still cannot take any chances.

Doctor Grey comes back into the room, "Alright, Miss Y/L/N, you're fit to be discharged now, make sure you keep good care of the wound on your arm, we managed to get the bullet out and stitch you up but it will need fresh dressing every morning."

I smile and thank her, Peter grabs my good arm and helps me out of the hospital bed before walking me to the bathroom so I can get changed into some clothes that he had fetched into the room with him. His clothes.

I put on a pair of light grey joggers and a loose, plain white tank top before tying my hair into a low ponytail, leaving a few strands of hair over my face. I finish up and leave the bathroom.

"You look good in my clothes." Peter comments, making me blush more than before.

"Oh shut it, Parker." I reply, playfully rolling my eyes and he chuckles.

"I'll let everyone know that you're going home but I'll take you so you don't have to see anyone."

I thank him before he leaves.

3rd person:

Peter enters the waiting room, the whole team stands up from their seats waiting for him to speak.

"She's fine, Doctor Grey has cleared her to go home but she doesn't want to see any of you, especially not Miss Romanoff, I'm so sorry, I'm going to take her home now, see you all back at the compound." Peter says, his head low.

"Peter, can I talk to you outside?" Wanda asks him, he replies with a nod and they both walk outside of the waiting room.

"Natasha is heart-broken, why does Y/N not want to see her?" She asks, concerned.

"She's afraid Miss Romanoff is going to hurt her, like, beat her for failing. Is this what she's used to? I didn't wanna question it but I'm genuinely worried."

"Oh, oh my god, okay, umm, I honestly didn't think this would happen, I don't know what to do."

"Don't panic, Wands, she'll bounce back."

"Just, please look after her, Peter, she's gone through so much already."

Peter nods his head and goes back to Y/N's hospital room, "You ready, darling?"

Y/N walks with Peter to his car and they both make their way back to the compound, Y/N instantly runs inside and bolts off into her room, locking her door behind her and getting into her bed.

*Time skip, a week later*

"This is getting out of hand, she won't talk to us, she won't even open her door to eat, Natasha, there's nothing else we can do, all she does is cry at night and that's the only reassurance we get that she's alive, our only option is to kick down her door." Tony suggests.

"I'll do it. I need to see her, Peter has been on a mission for a whole week, she's missing so much college. She's going to get ill so I agree with you, Tony, I'll go up now." Natasha replies, and that's exactly what she's about to do.

Natasha makes her way upstairs, knocking on Y/N's door, "Milashka, open the door please." Natasha calmly says.

No response.

"Milasha, come on baby."

No response.

"I'm sorry, you leave me no choice."

Natasha kicks her foot into the door, busting the lock off as it flies open. Startling Y/N.

"NO, NO PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY I FAILED!" Y/N screams, pleading the ex-assassin, fearing of what's going to happen.

"Y/N, I would never, ever hurt you, I promised you that, it has never, ever been my intention." Natasha reassures Y/N, she walks over to her, lifting her hand up to place it carefully on her face but it only causes Y/N to flinch.

Natasha doesn't back away or move her hand, she still proceeds to place it on Y/N's cheek to show her that what she said is true, she wouldn't hurt her. Ever.

"I see you as my own kid, Milashka, I will never lay a hand on you in such awful manner. I will only harm those who do. I love you."

"I-I love you too, Tasha. I'm so sorry I messed up." Y/N cries as she places her head in Natasha's lap.

"You didn't mess anything up at all, you didn't fail, you took all those men out, we got what we needed, you did amazing, baby!" Natasha reassures her as she strokes Y/N's hair gently. "And even if you did, that's okay too, none of us are perfect, not even Capsicle downstairs." She adds, which causes Y/N to laugh a bit.

"C-can we go downstairs? I haven't seen the others in a while." Y/N asks, Natasha responds by nodding her head and taking Y/N's hand in hers and heading downstairs.

"Aaah, there she is!" Tony exclaims as he jumps up from his seat. "Can I hug you?"

"Of course, Stark." Y/N laughs, "I appreciate you asking beforehand though." She adds.

Tony pulls her into a tight hug but she still has hold of Natasha's hand, not wanting to let go.

"I'm gonna go and pick up the two troublemakers, Peter is staying for dinner tonight." He says as he lets go of Y/N before grabbing his keys and heading out of the door.

Steve shouts Y/N from the kitchen, "I made you a sandwich." He states, smiling widely as he points toward the sandwich on the table.

Y/N thanks him and takes a seat, taking small bites but it's still progress from the whole week of nothing.

"I'm ever so proud of you, Milashka." Natasha says, causing Y/N to smile, thankful of her words.

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