Part 25

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No one's POV:

A bullet shot, once in the chest.

Natasha Romanoff, the ex assassin, falls to the floor, clutching her chest as her breathing quickens before getting more shallow.

"NAT!!!" Everyone screams as Tony and Bruce scramble to her, scooping her up and rushing her to med-bay.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Peter yells in Y/N's face impatiently waiting for an answer as tears stream down his face.

"It was pretty easy really, you hugged me, caused a distraction." Y/N laughs out.

Wanda still hasn't moved, clearly in shock after what had just happened.

"Wands, you okay?" Peter asks her, hugging her tightly.

"I've already, lost two parents, I'm not ready to lose another." Wanda replies as her glossy eyes slowly move toward Peter's.

"Mission complete, Dracov.. Natasha Romanoff is dead." Y/N speaks over comms.

"My darling, Y/N, you have made me proud." He merrily replies.

*In med-bay*

"Tony, she's loosing too much blood!" Bruce yells as he tries to put pressure on the wound.

Tony sprints over with blood bags, prepping them for a transfusion.

Hours later, Natasha is somewhat stable, machines are beeping regularly now.

Steve had placed Y/N into a cell, trying to get answers but he hadn't been successful.

"Mr. Stark would like everyone in the meeting room, ASAP." JARVIS speaks over the compound tannoy.

"Look, I know we're all upset, angry, frustrated at Y/N for what she did to Natasha. But we set her up for the mission, we sent her to get those files, no we didn't know that it was a new Red Room. But I have done some research and found out that Dracov has put The Widows under some mind control, Y/N being one of them, yet again." Tony informs everyone as they all sit and take in what he had just said.

"I know someone that could help us." Clint speaks up, pulling his phone out and leaving the room.

"Come on, pick up, pick up." He whispers to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Clint, what a pleasant surprise." A woman speaks sarcastically down the phone.

Clint fills the woman in on everything that's happened and that everyone needs her help.

"Yebat', I'm on my way." She replies and frantically hangs up.

It felt like forever until a blonde haired woman busts through the door.

"Where is she?" She asks, clearly in a hurry.

The Avengers take the woman down to Y/N's cell, the woman steps forward and pulls out some sort of shiny red potion from her leather pocket.

"Hi, Y/N." She speaks softly, reaching her hand out for Y/N through the bars which Y/N takes.

"Ty sleduyushchiy" Y/N whispers as she twists the blondes arm causing it to crack.

Before she could do any more damage, the woman throws the red vial on the floor, shattering it to pieces. Red mist rising from it and through Y/N's nose.

"Y/N..?" The woman speaks, unsure if her original self was back.

"Lena? What happened? What did I do?" Y/N asks nervously, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she doesn't remember anything.

"It's okay, Malen'kiy, you're safe." Yelena reassures the younger assassin but it's not much use as Wanda speaks up.
(Little one).

"YOU KILLED NATASHA!" She screams.

"SOMEONE GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Yelena yells at the others.

Tony puts bracelets on Wanda's wrists that only he can take off with the key he holds. They stop her powers, he had designed them incase something went wrong.

"Come on, Wanda, let's go to your room." Clint says as he guides Wanda out of the room.

"I-i did what?" Y/N stutters as the tears she was holding back now fall down her rosey face.

Y/N's POV:

"She will be okay, Y/N, I swear." Yelena tries to reassure me but yet again she fails as I hear a loud long beep echoing through the compound.

"SHIT!" Tony yells as he races out of the room.

"C-can I see her?" I ask, unsure of what they may say.

"In the condition she is in, I don't think that's is what's best. But I can let you out and you can go to your room or whatever you like?" Steve tells me as he unlocks the cell that I had been held in.

I don't even dare to put up a fight at this point, not wanting to hurt anyone else so I just decide to go straight to my room, Yelena following behind me.

*Back in med-bay*

No one's POV:

"TONY, SHE'S FLATLINING!!!" Bruce yells as he begins to perform CPR.

"Come on, Natasha, you've survived worse than this!" Tony tells her as he charges the defibrillator.

"Okay, shocking..."

Bruce takes his hands off Natasha as Tony shocks her.

Didn't work.

"Continue compressions!" He tells Bruce as the defibrillator charges again.

"Okay, again, shocking..."

Bruce does a repeat of last time, taking his hands away for Tony to shock her yet again.

Machines start beeping again, Natasha's chest rises and falls as she finally starts to breathe.

"Holy shit!" Tony nervously laughs out.
"We did it, we fucking did it!"

They rush upstairs to tell the others who are sat patiently waiting in the sitting room.

"Natasha is stable, but she will be in a long coma, we're not sure when she will wake up. If she doesn't wake up after four weeks, we have been advised to turn off her machines." Tony informs.

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