Part 17

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Two weeks have passed since my first day of college, I met my new support teacher, she's really nice. Her name is Miss Rose, she's quite young, maybe mid twenties. She helps my anxiety a lot and I feel like I've really found my feet in my classes. I talk quite a bit in them now, I still stutter a little but I'm grateful that my teachers are patient.

But Flash won't leave me alone, I'm genuinely getting so bored of him saying the same thing about me over and over again. "Wannabe Black Widow." "The whole trained assassin thing is all a lie." And so on.

But I swear, today if he decided to carry this on, he's got another thing coming.

"Milashka! Are you ready?" I hear Tasha yell from down stairs.

I quickly grab my bag and throw it on my back and race to the kitchen to taky my lunch from Steve, he's made my lunches every single morning since I first started college, I really do appreciate him taking time from his mornings just for me.

I thank him before turning to Tasha, "Hey, Tasha?"

She hums in response as she pulls me onto a seat in front of her, braiding my hair.

"Can I have my weapons back yet? It's been years!" I ask, she laughs at me a little before speaking.

"You know you've only been here for like, a month and half, right?" She replies.

"What? Is that it?" I ask, obviously shocked that I haven't been here much longer.

"Mhm, and you're doing so well, Milashka, we're all proud of you. I'm proud of you."

I let her finish doing my hair before I hop off the seat and wrap my arms around her, burying my head into her chest. "Thank you for helping me, for everything." I mumbled.

"Thank you for trusting me." She replies, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Right, time to get you girls to college." She states.

Me and Wanda both hop into Tasha's car and make our way to college, listening to Wanda's playlist as she is siting in the front seat.

We finally arrive and get out of the car before saying our goodbyes to Tasha, she speeds off, trying to keep her presence on the downlow as she doesn't want to be recognised.

"Hey, Wands! Hey, Y/N!" Peter shouts, waving us over as he stands with MJ and Ned at the front door.

"Hey, Parker." I reply, he glances me the sweetest smile, causing my face to turn a light shade of pink.

Wanda looks at me with wide eyes, "Y/N Maximoff.. Are you blushing?" She whispers as the others talk amongst themselves.

"Oh shut up." I reply, playfully nudging her as my face goes a little lighter.

"Come on, guys, I don't want Y/N to be late." Wanda laughs as she ushers us all inside the large building.

I take my seat in my class, sitting at the back this time as I'm one of the first students in here. I pull my phone out to message Kate seeing as the lesson doesn't start for another fifteen minutes.

Kate :)

Me: I'm in class now.

Kate: I know...👀


I look around, not seeing her anywhere until my gaze lands on the classroom window, next to the door. She stands there, peeking through as she pulls weird faces at me, causing me to laugh a little.

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