Part 16

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"Right class, today we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Miss Ryder asks me.

I shake my head, feeling my anxiety taking over. She nods her head in understanding and introduces me to the class.

"Her name is Y/N Maximoff, now you all know my rules, kindness only please! We all need to make her feel welcome." The teacher comments.

"Is she a Black Widow wannabe or something?" A boy snickers from the back of the class his comment making everyone else laugh apart from a girl who seems to be my age, sitting at the desk behind me.

"Flash, what did I literally just say?" Miss Ryder asks rhetorically.

"Well what's with the hoodie? It's a bit sad, don't you think?" He answers back.

"Out." The teacher orders, sternly.

Flash picks up his things and leaves the classroom, staring me down on his way out.

Miss Ryder begins speaking about the topic of the lesson while I sit and chew the sleeves of Tasha's hoodie until someone throws a note on my desk, I unfold it before reading it.

Hey, I'm the girl behind you!
My name is Kate.
Here's my phone number :)

A number is written underneath the writing.

I pick up my pen and start writing notes in my book, relevant to the lesson until the bell rings.

"Y/N, may I speak with you please?" Miss Ryder asks, speaking softly.

I nod my head in response and wait for the rest of the class to leave, staying in my seat.

Miss Ryder makes her way over to my desk before speaking,
"How did you find it in this lesson? Were you stuck on anything?"

I shake my head, still not trusting my own words.

"Okay, your sister and her friends are waiting for you outside the door, you are free to leave." She says, understanding that i'm not going to talk.

I make my way out of the classroom to Wanda and the others.

"How was it, Y/N/N?" Wanda asks.

I just shrug my shoulders before she grabs my hand and takes me with her to the cafeteria where everyone from my class is sitting.

Yet again, they all turn to face me but this time they start whispering to each other.

"I heard she's an assassin." A girl whispers to her group of friends.

"Nah, that's most likely a lie. I mean look at her, she's a wreck. The hoodie says everything, she's just weird and pretends she's like Black Widow." A boy whispers back who I remember to be Flash.

Peter begins walking towards the group of people.

"Hey, Flash." Peter says, making Flash look up to him from his seat.

"Well, if it isn't Peter Park-" Flash begins, suddenly cut off by Peters fist making contact with his face, knocking him off his chair.

"You better watch your mouth, all of you." Peter warns, gritting his teeth through anger as he speaks.

"Y/N has been through more shit than you ever will in your entire life, so carry on, I dare you, see what happens." He threatens.

Wanda grabs Peters arm, pulling him away, "Ha, okay, Petey, you've had your fun now let's go." She suggests as Peter places his hand on the top of my back, guiding me outside.

"You know you're gonna get a warning for that, right?" MJ comments.

"Honestly I couldn't care less, he shouldn't say those things about Y/N" He replies.

Wanda looks over to me and wiggles her eyebrows, "he's so got a crush on you." She whispers in my ear, making my face go bright red.


It's now the end of my last lesson of the day, my teacher mentions that i'm needed in the principles office which makes my heart beat suddenly out of my chest.

Wanda and her friends are yet again waiting for me outside the classroom door so I walk over to them, my teacher following up behind me.

"Wanda, would you mind showing
Y/N the way to the principles office please?" He asks.

Wanda widens her eyes but still nods her head, leading the way.

"What did you do, Y/N?" She asks.

I just shrug my shoulders before coming to a stop at a door which I assume is the principles office.

I knock on the door and a tall, blonde woman greets me with a warm smile.
"You must be Y/N, come on in, sweetheart."

I step into her office, picking the skin around my finger nails.

"Oh, honey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself." She comments, "please, take a seat, my name is Mrs Walker."

I sit on the chair at the other side of her desk before she begins to speak again.

"I would like to speak to your parents, is that alright?" She asks, softly.

My eyes start to well up with tears at the reminder that my parents are no longer with me. But I still don't speak, I just nod my head and write Tasha's number on a piece of paper and pass it to her.

She thanks me and types the number into her office phone before Tasha picks up.

She asks Tasha to come into college for a short meeting in her office.

After a few attempted conversations, Tasha knocks on the open office door before Mrs Walker welcomes her inside.

"Hi, you must be Y/N's mother." Mrs Walker says as she shakes Tasha's hand, ignoring the fact that she is speaking to THE Black Widow.

"Something like that." Tasha answers, "What seems to be the problem?"

"Oh no, not much of a problem, I would just like to speak about a few concerns that a few of Y/N's teachers have reported." She replies.

Tasha takes a seat next to me, pulling my hand into hers, caressing the back of my hand with her thumb.

"So, a few of Y/N's teachers have told me that Y/N hasn't spoken to any of them, she hasn't answered any of their questions or really participated in any speaking activities in the classrooms. I was just wondering if you could explain the reason." Mrs Walker voices.

"Ah, well Y/N struggles a lot with her anxiety in social situations. Speaking to new people is quite difficult for her, though she does speak to people like me or her sister Wanda and the other avengers, with new people she ends up choking on her words or stuttering so she chooses not to speak." Tasha explains.

Mrs Walker nods her head in understanding and offers for me to have a support teacher with me in my lessons for me to get to know and she will be able to speak for me for a while until I am comfortable speaking for myself.

Tasha agrees that this is a good idea and I will be meeting the support teacher tomorrow.

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