Part 4

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*In the quinjet*

I sit cross-legged at the back away from everyone, playing with the rings on my fingers as I don't really know them. It's something I've always done when I get nervous. Honestly, the others probably hate me, I did a lot of bad things when I was in The Red Room so I don't blame them.

"Everything okay back here, Y/N?" A man in an iron suit asks as he places himself on the seat next to me, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"Y-yeah, everything's good Mr...?"

"Stark." He replies with a comforting smile, "But you can call me Tony." He adds, still smiling.

"Nice to meet you. Where's Natasha?" I ask, returning the smile.

"Ah, Romanoff is over there." He points to the opposite end of the jet. "Would you like me to go get her for you?" He asks.

"Umm, yes please." I reply, yet again playing with my rings.

Tony stands up out of his seat and makes his way towards the ex-assassin, whispering something to her before she turns her head to look in my direction. At first I felt nervous, but then she glances me a soft smile which unexpectedly calms me a little.

She walks over to me, sitting in the same seat next to me that Tony was previously sat in.

"Hey, Y/N, how's it going?" She asks politely which takes me by surprise as I still felt like she hated me. I cannot let my guard down, Yelena taught me not to trust anyone, even if they seem nice.

I miss Yelena but I'm glad she managed to escape when she did, though I hate her for leaving me in there. I need to tell Natasha she's still alive but I don't think she'll believe me.

"Natasha, why am I here? Why am I not with the other girls?" I ask reluctantly.

"You'll see." She replies with a smile plastered on her face that seems genuine, yet I still can't trust it.

What does she mean 'you'll see'? I have to tell her about Yelena, she deserves to know.

"Umm, Natasha?"

"Yes, dorogoy?" (darling)

"There's something I need you to know." I say, getting anxious again.

"Go on..." She replies, her smile replaced into a face of confusion as she turns her whole body in my direction, showing I have her full attention while she looks into my eyes.

"Umm, well... Dracov lied. Yelena is alive." I say the last part of my sentence quickly before closing my eyes so I don't have to see her reaction.

I open my eyes and she raises her hand to place it on my shoulder. But before she could, I flinch and quickly stand up to move away from her. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"I would never hurt you, Y/N. I promise." She says calmly, I just nod my head with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Where is she now? Do you know?"

"Budapest." I reply, remembering that's where Yelena told me she would escape to.

"Oh, I know that place very well." She says, smiling.

""Apparently there's a safehouse for her there? Or that's what she told me at least." I exclaim.

Natasha nods her head and stands up from her seat, making her way towards Clint who is sat in the front seat, flying the jet.

"Clint, do you mind if we take a little detour on the way home?" She asks him.

He looks up at her from his seat. "Of course, Nat, where to?" He questions.

"Budapesht." She replies.

Clint moves his head back down to look through the windshield, chuckling to himself.

"Nat, how many times do I have to tell you? It's BudapeST not BudapeSHT. But yes, of course." He replies.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." She whispers, rolling her emerald green eyes.

*In Budapest*

Natasha and I walk into the 'safe house', coming face to face with the blonde woman who points her gun at Natasha's head. Both me and Natasha pointing our gun at hers out of instinct.

Natasha is the first to break the silence. "Put the gun down, Yelena, let's settle this like adults."

"Is that what we are?" Yelena asks, looking over at me. "How do I know if I can trust you? What are you both doing here?" She adds.

"God, what is this? 20 questions?" I ask, rolling my eyes at her constant questions.

Natasha laughs at my words while Yelena mumbles something in Russian under her breath.

"Truce." I say, lowering my gun. Soon after, Natasha begins to lower hers, saying the same word I did.

Yelena drops her pistol to the ground and comes closer to me and pulls both me and Natasha into a tight hug.

"I've missed you both." She says calmly.

"Yeah, The Red Room has been destroyed." I say as I wriggle myself out of her hold and Yelena furrows her eyebrows at my action.

"You left me there Yelena, you could have let me come with you but you didn't. It's been five years. What the hell? Do you know what they put me through after you had finished with your escape act? Huh?" I yell, cutting her off, my voice breaking on the majority of the words I spoke.

Yelena glances down at the huge, thick scare on my leg that I showed her. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't think that-"

"No you didn't, you didn't think Yelena, the only thing you thought about was yourself. They knew that I knew where you went. I went through all that pain, all that torture, just to save your ass even though you left me." I yelled again, even louder than before.

Yelena looks down at the ground, not knowing what to say.

"Y/N, I-" Natasha starts to speak but I soon cut her off too.

"Just drop it Natasha, I wanna go." I say quietly before walking back out of the building and getting back on the jet, placing myself in my previous seat.

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