Part 18

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I arrive at home with Tasha, instantly texting Peter.


Peter <3

Me: Thank you for being there for me x

Peter: No worries, call me anytime and I'll be there! x


I smile, like a child that's just been given sweets, at his response.

"Who's got you smiling like that then, Milashka?" Tasha asks, a light smirk plastered on her face as she looks at mine, which is now a bright shade of pink from being caught out.

"N-nothing.." I stutter, but she doesn't take that for an answer.

"Nope, come on, tell me." She says, grinning as she stands in the way of the front door, blocking it so I cant get inside.

"It's just a boy.." I mutter, her face lighting up as she squeals like a teenage girl.

"I'll let you in, one one condition.." She syas.

"You know, you have to tell me the condition." I tell her.

"You tell me all about him." She replies with a wide smile.

I roll my eyes before nodding my head and I make my way upstairs into my room, of course Tasha follows behind me.

I throw my bag on my bed and take off my shoes.

"Sooo, what's he like? Is he nice? Is he good? Does he have good grades? Ooh, is he tall? What's his name? Is he your age? Tell me." She says, pretty much all in one breath.

"Oh my, Tasha! Breathe woman.. This isn't twenty questions you know, chill." I laugh out before telling her all about him.

"He's really sweet, he punched Flash in the face when he was saying things about me, he has like.. Nerdy good grades, top of the class. Yes, he's tall, he also has fluffy brown hair and such beautiful eyes that I could honestly get lost in." I ramble on and Tasha just stares at me in awe, waiting for me to finish.

"Oooh, you're in loveee." She torments. "You still didn't tell me his name though, or how old he is."

"Oh, yeah, his name is Peter.." I reply.

"Peter, like, Wanda's friend Peter?..." She asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Umm, maybe."


"Dial it down, Tasha, I'm almost eighteen." I remark, she scowls at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Don't look at me like that." I say as I shove my hand into her face before she whacks it away.

"I'll look at you however I want, when you're falling for a boy in your sisters year."

"Oh, I'm ever so sorry, Mom." I say sarcastically and even though Tasha knows I was being sarcastic, her face changes in an instant, her eyes soften and she looks away from me, smiling to herself a little.

I pull out a pair of comfy shorts from my wardrobe and change into them, leaving my hoodie on while Tasha turns away to give me privacy.

Once I tell her that she can turn back around, she starts to speak, "Would you like to talk about what happened today?"

I nod my head, knowing I'm going to have to talk about it at some point so I tell her everything that's been going on with Flash ever since I started college and that today was my last straw.

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