Part 7

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I wake up to an alarm blaring in my ear so I shoot up out of bed and stand up straight, ready for any instructions given to me by Dracov. My body seizes up in fear, not knowing what my next mission will be until some comes up and grabs my shoulder from behind me.

I swiftly spin around and throw a punch to their head but before my fist could even make contact, they catch my hand in theirs. I try to fight them off but they pin me to the floor, tightening their grip on my arms which are now placed either side of me.

"You're not there anymore, Milashka, look at me." They say. I open my eyes again to see Natasha's face hovering over me, still in her hold.

Tears form in my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Natasha, I really am, I didn't mean to attack you."

"Shhh, I know, It's okay. How about, we forget this whole thing happened, get ready and go shopping." She says with a smile.

I nod my head and she reaches her hand out to me, pulling me up from the floor before going to walk out of my room.

"Hey, Natasha?" I begin. She turns around to look at me. "Could Wanda come with us?" I question.

Her lips turn up into a small sweet smile, "yes, of course she can, Milashka, I'll go wake her up."

Not long after Natasha leaves, I hear a knock on my door. My head snaps towards the sudden noise and I make my way over to see who it is.

I open the door slightly, peeking through the crack of it to see Wanda patiently waiting with a pile of clothes in her hands on the other side so I decide to open it fully.

"Hey, Wanda." I say nervously.

"Hey, Y/N! Nat told me you want me to come shopping with you!" She beams.

I nod my head and gesture for her to come in, which she does.

"Sooo, I've brought you a few options of my clothes to wear, they may be a little oversized on you seeing as i'm older but i'm sure we can make something work. I'll let you have a look through and pick what you want while I go back and get changed." She says as she bounces through the door, dropping the pile of clothes on my bed.

I thank her as she leaves my room.

After looking through the pile of clothes, i decide on a pair of black skinny ripped jeans, a plain black top to tuck in as it's a little oversized and I stick on my combat boots as i have no other shoes. That's until Wanda comes back in to see what outfit i chose, screeching in delight before looking down at my boots.

"Absolutely not." She comments before going back into her room, grabbing me a pair of black converse pumps.

I swap my boots for them which clearly makes her happy.

"Naaat! We're readyyy!" She yells.

"Dorogoy, I'm here. No need to yell." Natasha says from the open door, leaning on the frame with her arms crossed.

"AH, stop with your super spy shit, you scared me." Wanda squeals.

"I'd watch your language if I were you, before Steve hears you." Natasha laughs out.

"That old man has got nothing on me." Wanda says back, forming red mist with her hands.


I back away quickly, not knowing what she's doing.

Natasha notices my sudden action, "don't worry, Milashka, she won't hurt you." She says calmly as she makes her way over to me.

Wanda realises what she did and quickly made the redness disappear. "I'm sorry, Y/N/N, I didn't mean to scare you. I'll tell you all about it later if you like?"

I nod my head, smiling a little before we head out of the compound to Natasha's car.

I stayed silent through the whole car ride while Wanda rambled on about college, I literally do not know what that is but according to Wanda, it seems pretty fun.

"Wanda, what's college?" I ask, breaking my own silence.

"College is a place that you get to learn so many new things at, you have teachers and a lot of other people in the class that are learning too. You can make lots of friends there!" She exclaims.

"Milashka, if you like, we can talk about you going to college once you have fully settled into the compound, okay?" Natasha suggests, which I agree to.


Once we arrive at the shopping centre, Wanda insists on taking me into her favourite clothes shops. Natasha holds my hand through the crowded place, rubbing circles on the back of my hand with her thumb.

I buy the clothes I like on Tony's card and we make our way to the Apple Store where I purchase an Iphone, Ipad and Macbook.

"Yesss, make his pockets hurt." Wanda laughs out.

We walk past a few other shops but something in the window catches my eye...

A dinosaur plush teddy.

"Get it

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"Get it." Natasha says, understanding the fact that my childhood was taken from me.

"N-no it's okay, Mr Stark told me to get the things I need, I don't really need it." I said quietly.

"Dorogoy, would you mind taking /N into that shop over there so she can grab the toiletries she needs, please?" Natasha asks Wanda and she nods in response.

I buy the necessities such as, toothbrush, toothpaste, sprays, scum care things, etc and we walk out of the shop, hands full of bags.

I see Natasha standing outside of it, waiting for us with a mysterious bag in her hand.

She takes my bags from me and replaces them with the one she has and pesters me to open it, which I do, revealing the dinosaur i previously saw.

"I figured if you weren't going to get it, I was gonna get it for you." She says, looking down at me.

"Thank you, Natasha, I love him!" I say, smiling at her before going to give her a hug but I stop myself, not knowing if she would appreciate that.

I look down at the floor and she comes closer to me, wrapping her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug which i return.

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