Part 22

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I sit in my lesson next to Kate, she picks up my mood a lot with her jokes that are so not funny they're funny...

That was until another teacher knocks on the door, "Hi Miss Ryder, I'm sorry to disturb your lesson but may I borrow Y/N Maximoff, please." She asks with a smile.

Okay, now I'm SCARED.

Miss Ryder answers her politely and I grab my things and leave the classroom.

"Hi, Y/N, the principle would like to see you in her office, that's all." She informs me, looking at me with kind eyes.

I step into Mrs Walker's office and take a seat in front of her desk before she begins to speak, "there's people outside that would like to speak to you." She mentions before leaving the room to speak to a tall man who is dressed in black, an eyepatch covering his left eye.

Shortly after they finish speaking, the man comes in with another man and a woman and takes a seat at Mrs Walkers desk as Mrs Walker disappears out of sight, the other people standing behind him with their arms crossed.

It's just me and these strange people, alone.

"Y/N Maximoff, right?" He asks me, I nod my head slowly, terrified of what is going on until I remember what Tasha said about the necklace. "We would like you to come with us." He adds.

"It's got a little button on the back of the charm, if you're ever in trouble, push it and it will alert me, I will be right there."

Seems like a good reason to use it, I make it seem like I'm fiddling with the necklace as I quickly push the little button on the back of it.

Not even five minutes later, Tasha comes bursting through the office door. "Milashka, is everything okay?" She asks me, not even acknowledging the others in the room.

I point to the others, "they want me to go with them." I whisper.

"Agent Romanoff?" The man asks as he stands up, straightening his clothes.

"Director Fury? What are you doing here?" She asks him, now crossing her arms, her eyebrow raised a little.

"We were asking Y/N to come with us, we've seen what she's capable of, Romanoff, she could be of good use to S.H.I.E.L.D." He replies.

"Yeah, and we both know that isn't going to happen." She scoffs, the other woman looks at Tasha with apologetic eyes.

"Natasha, it will be good for her, it was good for you." He mentions.

Okay, now I'm confused.

"Nay volnuysya, Malenkiy Pauk." (Don't worry, Little Spider). Tasha says as she looks down at me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

After around an hour of Director Fury trying to convince Tasha and her refusal every time, she decides it's best if she took me home.

When we arrive at the compound, I dump my bag on the floor before taking off my shoes. Tasha takes a seat on the sofa so I walk over, sitting next to her before placing my head in her lap.

We stay like that for some time while Tasha talks to the other Avengers in the room about what happened with Fury until someone welcomes themself into the compound.

"Ah, Underroos." Tony speaks, making me look towards the person.


"I just came to see if Y/N was alright, I heard about Fury so I thought I'd come over, I have no classes this afternoon." He states, looking down at me as I still lay on Tasha's lap. "Wanna watch movies?" He asks me.

"Yeah, go watch movies with Peter." Tasha torments as she pokes my stomach, I roll my eyes at her childishness and make my way to my room, Peter following up behind me.

"Sooo, what do you wanna watch?" I question him as we walk into my room.

"I was thinking a Star-Wars marathon." He tells me.

"Okay, nerd." I reply, causing him to fake a pout.

We lay on my bed and he puts on the first film before shuffling closer to me, making me slightly nervous, but like.. Good nervous.

I honestly didn't realise that I was tired until I wake up, my arm draped across Peters stomach with my head on his chest and his arm around me.

He looks down at me before speaking, "oh, good morning, sleepy head." He chuckles.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry." I say, apologetically before making an attempt to get off him but he just pulls me back into him.

"Don't be sorry, I like you, Y/N." He confesses, causing my cheeks to go a bright shade of pink.

"Y-you do?" I ask him reluctantly.

"Very much so."

"I like you too, Peter." I reply, before I could even regulate my heart beat, he carefully places his hand behind my neck, pulling my face towards his before kissing me passionately.

Well if my face wasn't red then, it most certainly is now.



Heya! I'm ever so sorry that this chapter is so short, my brain is fried.


But i still wanted to write a little something.

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