Part 13

519 14 5

Day: 5

Sooo, the team comes home in two days, I decide to go to the shops and buy a whole bunch of ingredients to cook lots of food for them as Thor was whining to me that they don't eat well on missions and they always come back home starving. So I made a shopping list and brought it with me as well as, Sasha.

I take out a blanket from my bag and lay it down in the trolley for Sasha to lay on, I refuse to leave her outside alone so the shop workers are just going to have to deal with it. I scoop Sasha up and place her down in the trolley before making my way inside.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, you're not allowed to bring pets in here." A man says as he stands in front of me.

"And what else am I supposed to do? Leave her outside for someone to take her? I don't think so, Sir." I reply as I turn around and go straight past him.

"That's it, I'm calling for the manager!" He yells as I continue walking down the isles.

After a few minutes of placing things into my trolley where Sasha is peacefully sleeping, the man comes back with a brunette woman in a blazer, suit trousers and a pair of black stilettos.

"What seems to be the problem here?" She asks.

"Well, she has a dog in there." The man replies.

The manager looks over at Sasha and comes towards her as Sasha opens her eyes. The woman smiles at her then looking over to me, glancing me a soft smile too before looking at who I believe is the security of the shop and giving him a stone cold glare.

"So, Alex, you're telling me that you brought me out of my office, from the mountain of paperwork, to tell me that a young innocent woman has brought her sleeping puppy into the shop?" She asks, sternly.

"Yes, Ma'am." He replies.

"Is she bothering anyone? Because she most certainly isn't bothering me." She says as she strokes Sasha's head.

The security guard just looks down at the floor, "No, Ma'am."

"Well, I suggest you get back to work then. You're here to stop shoplifters and that only. If I was in this position, I'd have fetched my puppy in too, you have no idea who's out there. Taking helpless pups from their owners. Have a heart." She comments.

The man doesn't say a word, he just makes his way back to guarding the door.

"I am ever so sorry for your troubles, It seems you have quite a lot of people to feed, I'll let the cashier know that your shopping today is on us." She says sweetly, smiling before turning around and walking away.

Honestly it was free to me either way, Stark is the one paying but it's a nice thing she's doing and plus I'm sure Stark will be happy that he won't have to pay for it all either.

After the strange encounter with the security guy and not having to pay for my shopping, I load everything into Tony's car before placing Sasha onto the passenger seat and heading off back home.

As I pull up into the garage, I notice that everyone's cars are back, including Tasha's so I yet again scoop Sasha up into my arms and race into the compound.

"Hey, Y/N!" Clint said as he begins to walk over to me, I back away slowly, greeting him back before attempting to rush into my room to hide Sasha.

Key word: Attempting.

Because I did not succeed.

"Mini Romanoff!" Stark shouts as he spots me running upstairs.

I stop in my tracks, swiftly putting Sasha behind my back, "Yes, Mr Stark...?" I reply sheepishly.

"What is that behind your back?" He asks, slightly raising an eyebrow.

I carefully pull Sasha back around to the front of me as I slowly make my way back downstairs as I only managed to get half way up them before he spotted me.

"Y/N, what the f-" He began.

"LANGUAGE!" Steve whisper yelled, cutting Tony off.

"In my defence, you told me I could buy anything I wanted, plus I was lonely!" I exclaimed, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"Well, yes I did, but I didn't exactly think you would buy a dog when I said it." He replies, calmer this time.

I place Sasha on the ground and Tony walks slowly towards her, trying not to scare her.

"You're a cute one, aren't you?" He says softly as he kneels down to fuss her. It's quite sweet actually, he's not as mad as I thought he would be. But then, Tasha is yet to see her and I'm actually quite nervous for her reaction.

"Wait... Where is Wanda and Tasha?" I asked everyone.

"Oh, shit, yeah.. They're out looking for you, you hadn't been answering your phone but we decided to wait here in case you got here before they did." Tony replied.

"Not to worry, I'll give them a call." Clint said, smiling.

Not long after Clint had called them, they come bursting throught the door.

"Y/N/N!!!" Wanda squeals, running over to me and pulling me into a tight hug, which I return. "Where have you been?" She asks as she pulls away.

"I'm so sorry, I had a weird encounter with a security guy at the shops and I must've not heard my phone" I reply, before continuing, "but how are you? All of you!" I ask, mainly everyone.

They all tell me about their mission as I sit with Tasha, her arm around me as we sit on the sofa. That was until a small bark came from behind the seats we were sitting on.

"No you didn't." Natasha says sternly as she looks at me, her gaze burning into my eyes.

"I mayyy have." I reply nervously before picking Sasha up from behind the sofa and placing her onto my lap.

"Oh, Milashka, it's a good job I love you." She comments as she strokes Sasha.

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