Part 14

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It's currently 1AM, everyone in the compound is asleep, including Tasha but I can't sleep so I pick up my dino that she bought me and make my way to her room anyway.

I slowly creep into her room and her eyes fly open, "I knew it wouldn't be long until you were in here." She says, chuckling to herself as she scoots over for me to lay next to her.

I crawl onto her bed and lay next to her before she wraps her arm around me and for once in my life, I actually feel safe.

"Tasha?" I say, shyly.

"Milashka?" She replies, mimicking my tone.

"Y-you make me feel safe." I stutter on my words, something that Tasha never seemed to mind. Her lips perked up into a big smile as she pulls me closer to her, kissing my forehead.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." She replies.

"I love you, Tasha."

"And I love you more, Milashka." She whispers as she gently strokes my nose with her pointer finger, causing me to drift off to sleep.


We wake up, involuntarily. Wanda comes bursting in and jumps on both me and Tasha.

"WAKEY WAKEY, GUYSSS!!!" She yells.

"Wandaaa, it's like.. four in the morning." I groan as I rub my eyes.

"Umm, no, it's actually 8AM and you need to get your ass up, we're going shopping!" She tells me. I shoot her a confused look, which she notices.

"Oh, did Nat not tell you?" She asks, I shake my head and she continues, "ah, well it's your first day of college tomorrow and we need to get you some new clothes and school stuff!" She exclaims as she drags me out of Tasha's bed.

"Be ready in half an hour please." Tasha orders as she pulls herself out of bed before walking to her wardrobe, picking herself out an outfit.

I walk into my room and pull out an outfit from my own wardrobe.

(If you don't like it, you could always imagine something else)

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(If you don't like it, you could always imagine something else).

Wanda comes bouncing into my room, "you ready? It's been half an hour and Nat will kick both of our asses if you're not." Wanda giggles.

"She surely can try, but I'm ready now." I laugh out.

We both head into Tasha's room to tell her that we're ready before leaving the compound.

"Shotgun!" I call out, Wanda rolls her eyes and laughs at me.

"But I'm older." She claims, faking a pout.

"Mhm, clearly, you're too slow, must be getting old, Wands." I laugh as she scoffs and climbs into the backseat as I take a seat in the passenger side.

"So, Milashka, are you excited for college tomorrow?" Tasha questions me as she gets into the drivers seat.

"Sure." I reply, picking the skin around my finger nails, accidentally causing one to bleed.

"Lucky I know you and I come prepared." Tasha says as she pulls a box of plasters from her bag, wrapping one around my finger before holding my hand and beginning to drive.

"I understand you're nervous, but Wanda will be there for you, won't you, Dorogoy?" She asks as she looks in her rear view mirror at Wanda.

"Yes of course!" Wands replies, a reassuring smile on her face which eases my nerves a little. "Plus, you'll love my friends, Y/N/N, and I know for a fact that they will love you too!"

I smile at her words and look out of the window next to me.

As we arrive at the shops, Tasha notices that I'm itching to get out of my seat, taking my belt off before the car even comes to a stop.

"Woah, slow your roll, Tiger!" She laughs as she parks the car into a free space in the open car park.

I jump out of the car and Tasha grabs my hand, knowing there's a 99% chance that I'll bolt off as it's something she has learnt I do when I'm excited. But she also knows that I get anxious easitly in social situations, so holding my hand prevents both.

"So, Milashka, what is it you need today?" She asks me.

"Ummm, stationary, I think that's all?" I reply.

"Maybe you could get some new clothes on Stark's card." Wanda comments as she winks at me, I just laugh at her.

"You know what girls, go wild, both of you, I'm sure Tony won't mind." Tasha says, smirking at us both.

And that's exactly what we do, go wild...

Both me and Wands bought a whole bunch of new school supplies, not to mention the countless new outfits we both spotted.

After spending at least £500 each, we decide it's time to head back home and get all our things ready for the morning.

On our way back, Tasha stops at a drive-thru place that sells cheeseburgers, we buy tons of them, plus some fries, for the whole team.

As we arrive back at the compound, Tony waits for us at the front door.

"Over £1000, what on earth did you buy?!" He says as we make our way towards him.

"Come on, Stark, what are you really gonna do with all that money you have?" Tasha questions, smirking at him.

"Well, it's just nice to look at..." He replies, causing both me and Wanda lo laugh before we run off upstairs with our bunch of bags, Clint and Steve following up behind us with the other bags that we were struggling to carry.

"Why thank you, gentlemen." I say enthusiastically, they both roll their eyes and laugh.

"Oh you are ever so welcome, Little Maximoff." Clint replies sarcastically as he takes a bow before both of them exit my room.

"I'm gonna go stick my bags in my room and put all my stuff away, you know where I am if you need me." Wanda exclaims, hugging me before spinning round on her heels, making her way to her own room.

I begin putting all my new clothes away into my wardrobe and packing my backpack until I hear a knock at my door.

I yell for Tasha to come in and she does, closing my door behind her.

"How did you know that it's me?" She questions, a curious expression on her face.

"I know your footsteps, the way you breathe, your knock and so on." I reply, facing away from her as I put my laptop and school supplies into my bag.

"Ah, you creep." She laughs.

"Nope, not a creep, just extremely weary." I reply as I glance up at her for a split second, then back down to my bag, wondering if I've forgot anything.

I feel my heart begin to race a little...

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