Part 21

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It's now Monday, Peter is picking me and Wanda up for college. He said he's going to be here a little early so we can all go to a café that's close by.

"Milashka..?" I hear Tasha say at my door as she knocks on it.

"You know you don't have to knock anymore, Tasha." I reply. I appreciate it though, but I don't want her to feel like she's walking on eggshells around me.

"Everything okay?" I question her as I see her face filled with concern.

"Are you sure you're ready to go back to college?" She asks, facing me with a soft smile.

"I'll be okay, Tasha, don't worry about me." I reply, reassuring her. It's honestly sweet that she cares so much, I've never had anyone care for me the way that she does, well.. Other than my Mama and Papa, but I don't really remember them.

"I had this made for you." She informs me as she holds up a pretty silver necklace with a little charm on it.

"Oh, Tasha, it's beautiful! Thank you." I say as I turn around so she could put it on for me.

"It's got a little button on the back of the charm, if you're ever in trouble, push it and it will alert me, I'll be right there. It's much quicker than having to pull out your phone to call me." She mentions as she turns me back around to face her.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I tell her.

She sits down on my bed and tells me to sit in front of her, which I do. She then begins to braid my hair, I love when she does because I get to spend more time with her and it keeps my hair out of my face.

"Milashka, can I ask a question? You don't have to answer it though." She hesitantly speaks and I nod my head in response.

"Did you graduate The Red Room?" She asks.

"Umm, no, I didn't actually, you took me a week before my graduation." I reply, relieved that I didn't graduate, I know what happens when you do. "Did you?" I add.

"Yeah, I did." She replies to my question, a hint of hurt in her voice.

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I tell her, apologetically.

"No no, don't be silly, I asked the same question." She tells me, smiling softly and reassuringly. "I love you, Malen'kiy pauk." (Little Spider)

"I love you more, Mama Pauk." (Mama Spider) I reply and watch her face light up, tears forming in her eyes. She places her hand on my cheek and rubs it gently with her thumb.

"Y/N/N!!! YOUR LOVER BOY IS HERE!" Wanda yells from downstairs, causing me and Tasha to laugh.

I race downstairs before hugging Tasha goodbye at the front door and yelling "bye" to the rest of the team, giving them all a little wave as I get out of the front door.

We jump into Peter's fancy red car that Tony had bought him as a congratulations for passing his test before speeding off to the café.

As we walk in, we are greeted by a bunch of friendly faces, "Aah, Mr Parker, back again? And you brought friends." A man at the counter says.

"I did, I would like to order..." He begins ordering drinks for each of us, me and Wanda decide to find a table to sit at before the café gets too full while Peter continues conversating with the man.

"You really like him, huh?" Wanda giggles as she playfully kicks my leg under the table.

"Well, yeah I do, but I don't believe he likes me back. I mean, have you seen the other girls at college?" I question her.

"I have, and they're nothing on you, Y/N/N, have you seen the way he looks at you? The way he ignores every girl who tries to flirt with him." She begins listing the reasons she believes he likes me too. "Plus, I don't see him picking up any other girls in his fancy car." She adds.

"Yeah but he's probably only picking us up because you're his best friend and I'm your little sister that just so happens to need to go to the same college, it's just convenience really." I reply, causing Wanda to frown.

"He doesn't pick Ned or MJ up, they're our best friends too." She comments, which makes me start thinking.

Maybe he does like me back? Or maybe he likes Wanda, and what I said was right?

Peter comes over with our drinks and takes a seat next to me. I bounce my leg due to nerves of being out for the first time since the mission, there's a lot of people in here too which doesn't really help much.

It seems as though Peter sensed my discomfort and placed his hand on my bouncing leg, rubbing it with his thumb reassuringly as he makes conversation with Wanda.

We get back in the car as we had finished our drinks, I keep thinking about it over and over until I end up blurting it out loud.

"Do you like Wanda, like.. Like like her?" I ask Peter, too quick for my liking.

Both him and Wanda laugh at my question, pure confusion washes over me.

"No, Darling, Wanda is umm.." He begins, causing me to become more confused.

"I'm gay, Y/N/N, you remember Kate from your class?" She questions me. I just nod my head and hum in response.

"Well.. She's my girlfriend." She informs me.

I know that Kate is a couple years older than me as our classes are mixed ages, but I never expected that.

"My whole life... Is a lie." I mutter under my breath, loud enough for both of them to hear me, they burst out laughing again.

"How come you never told me this?" I asked.

"I didn't know how you would react, I didn't know if you were-"

"Homophobic?" I ask, cutting her off, "Wands, who you love doesn't matter to me, as long as you're happy, I'm happy" I add.

She smiles at me and squeezes my shoulder lightly from the backseat.

We arrive at college and greet both Ned and MJ at the door before walking into the large building together.

As soon as we walk in I feel everyone's eyes on me, my heart beats irrationally as I look at each of their emotionless faces. Peter just grabs my hand and walks with my through them all, quickly calming me.

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