Part 19

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"Ladies! No time for sleeping in, we got a world to save." Tony yells through my door as he bangs his fist against it, waking all of us up.

"Piss off, Stark." I yell back.

"I'm going to let that slide, purely because Romanoff would kick my ass if I didn't." He replies.

"Too damn right I would." Tasha jumps in, while Wanda rubs her eyes with no clue of what's even going on right now.

Once we've all actually woken up, Tony tells me to come down to his lab so I leave my room and follow him down.

"Stark, if you're dragging me down here to kill me, just get it over and done with." I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes at me, "do you understand the amount of paperwork and hassle from Romanoff and Wanda that I'd have to deal with? Too much effort." He remarks. "I actually brought you down here so you could see what I made for you."

He turns on the room light and an awesome suit was places in the middle of it on a stand.

He turns on the room light and an awesome suit was places in the middle of it on a stand

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(If you're unhappy with it, you could imagine something else).

I SCREAM like a little girl.

"Shit, Y/N, keep it down or someone will think that I actually did bring you here to kill you." Tony laughs out. "You like it though?"

"I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT." I squeal as I look and see how many pockets it has.

I run back over to Tony and pull him into a tight hug, "thank you so much, Tony!" I say, he nods his head before speaking.

"Go take it upstairs, hurry up and get ready, we leave in an hour."

I did as I was told, running into my room and throwing off all of my clothes quickly, putting on my new suit before looking into the mirror and twirling. But I then see my old suit slightly hanging out of my wardrobe.

I stare at it for a little while, tears beginning to fill up my eyes, I feel nothing but regret and hurt.

"Oooh, look at you!" Tasha says as she walks into my room, closing my door once she notices my glossy eyes.

"Milashka, what's the matter?" She asks, walking closer to me.

I break down, tears pouring down my face as I almost fall to the floor, Tasha catching me.

She asks me again but I can't even breathe to be able to get my words out.

"Okay, okay, look at me." She says softly as she lifts my face up to look at hers, "deep breaths, okay, you can do that for me."

I listen to what she says and begin to take deep breaths, her hands still cupping my face until my breathing regulates and I can finally speak.

"It's just the last time I wore a suit, I was doing horrible things, I did so many bad things, Tasha, things that I could never take back." I say, my voice breaking as she wipes away the tears from my face.

"I know, but past you is not you now, you've overcome so many things and in all honesty, that wasn't you at all, what you did then was not your fault. Do you hear me?" Tasha reassures me.

I pull myself together and go downstairs to the rest of the team who are all ready to leave.


"Y/L/N, Spidey, I need you both over here." I hear Tony say over comms.

Once we get to him, we notice that he's surrounded by men, one charges up to me with a sharp piece of smashed glass in his hand. I pin him up to the wall before smacking his hand harshly against it, making the glass fall to the floor.

I use what I learnt in training with Tasha and The Red Room and knock each and every man out after Spider-Man webbed them all up so they couldn't move.

"Nice work, Y/N!" Spider-Man says, giving me a high-five.

"Thanks, kiddos, you saved my ass." Tony ginned appreciatively. "Looks like we're all done here, everyone can now get back on the jet." He adds.

That was before I heard a gunshot, adrenalin washes over my body and I run over to Tony.

"Stark! Are you okay?!" I ask him worriedly.

"Y/N, your arm!" Spider-Man points at the gushing blood coming out of my arm.

"Oh, that? That's noth-"

Out, like a light.

*Back on the jet*

3rd person:

Tony walks onto the jet where the rest of the team is already located, carrying Y/N in his arms bridal style as she's still out cold, Spider-Man following up closely behind them.

"TONY?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Natasha yells as she takes Y/N from his arms, laying her on the medical table for Bruce to see to.

"Someone shot her, we thought we took care of all the men in the room but clearly someone was still outside." Spider-Man replies as Tony is scared of getting his ass kicked but the angry redhead.

"Guys, she's losing a lot of blood, we need to get her to a hospital, ASAP!" Bruce yells.

Clint nods and puts in directions to the closest hospital as Natasha tends to a panicked Wanda who is absolutely terrified of losing her sister again.

Spider-Man walks over to Y/N, grabbing her hand to hold as he carefully strokes her hair, "you'll be okay, my love."

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