A New Me

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A few days have passed, it was the start of Olivia's new life without Spencer. As her heart still ached for him, she promised herself that starting today, a new phase in her life will begin. No more waiting around for a man who broke her heart into a million pieces. As Olivia began to put that part of her life in the past, she cleared her room of everything "Spencer James" and placed those things in a box labeled "heartbreak". Liv took the box to the closest trash dumpster and disposed of the items, ensuring that she completely left Spencer in the past. After disposing of the items, she opened her car door, reached for a container of hand sanitizer and throughly cleaned her hands making sure she wiped her hands clean of every "Spencer James" item she disposed of......tacky I know.

It has been a week since Spencer came up with the perfect words to say to Olivia that he was sure by the end of their conversation, he would have his girl back. Spencer kept his breakup with Alicia to himself, but he knew eventually his roommates would start to ask questions. He wanted Olivia to be the first person he shared the news of his the breakup with, along with throwing in a few other Love languages that was sure to lead to their reconciliation, besides Olivia was the one to say she wanted him back. Little did Spencer know that withholding that information would eventually lead to a realization that he never expected.

Olivia POV
With only a few more weeks until the end of my freshman year at GAU, as I walk around campus, I pass by the football field as I see the team beginning their Spring Workouts. I see a familiar face and pray that he does not see me. As I am rushing away from the football field, I accidentally bump into someone who honestly gives me goosebumps. We both apologize for not looking where we are going and bumping into each other without seeing each other's face. We look to face one another and I cannot seem to get another word out. There stands an approximately gorgeous medium chocolate 6 foot 2 inch man (which by the way is much taller than Spencer), with a body that leaves me speechless. As I completely make a fool out of myself, he introduce himself as Brian, who just happens to be headed towards the football field dressed in workout gear. As I finally decide to speak, I introduce myself and apologize again for completely not looking where I was going and bumping into him. Making my way to the other side of campus, I don't ever remember seeing Brian on campus. Then it dawned on me, after the Garrett scandal, the football team was dismantled and they are trying to recruit new team members to rebuilt the team.

Spencer POV
Jordan and I are having a conversation with coach Kenny as a guy approaches us. Coach Kenny introduces Brian Carter as a new transfer football player. Brian is a sophomore who decided to transfer to GAU to be closer to his family. He received a football scholarship and attended a university on the east coast, but he is originally from Northern California. Curious to know more about Brian's football position, I ask him what position he plays and comes to find out, he plays the same position as me, wide receiver. As we all are talking, Coach Kenny says that Brian is a very talented wide receiver and his height adds an advantage to the position (being I'm only 5 ft 10 inches with cleats on), kind of a blow to my ego.

After practice is over Jordan, Spencer and Brian begins to walk to the locker room. Brian is looking away from Spencer and Jordan and both notice the smile on his face. They turn to sees what Brian is smiling at and in a distance, they see Olivia. Brian excuses himself and run in Olivia's direction.

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