Truth II

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As Courtney continues to pace the waiting room, after being there for hours, Spencer approaches Courtney again, demanding the truth. As soon as she sat down trying to come up with a believable story, Brian's parents come running through the waiting room demanding answers about their son.

Noticing Courtney, his mom stated "what the hell are you doing here"?

The only person that should be with Brian is Olivia.

The wheels continue to turn in Spencer's head now realizing the lies Courtney told him in the past.

How can a cousin and I mean a distant cousin be so concerned, and to top that off, why did she know about Brian's accident before Liv.

Courtney is supposed to be in California, not New York.

As Brian's mother walks over and confronts Courtney, with a very displeasing look, she repeat her question. What the hell are you doing here?

Spencer begins to confirm his suspicions by putting things together and now starting to get some clarity by both Brian's parents and Courtney's reaction.

Mrs. Carter stands directly in front of Courtney and asks, what have you done. Thinking she had something to do with his accident and not getting the full story.

I warned Brian about you when you too dated.

Overhearing what Brian's mother said, Spencer stood up from his chair placing his hand on his forehead, thinking to himself, how could he be so blind.

Spencer loves Courtney, but is not in love with her.

Looking over at Spencer, Brian's parents recognized him as playing on the same football team at GAU.

Knowing he was about to get the right answer from Brian's parents to prove she was not a cousin, which he did overhear earlier in their conversation, Spencer's mind wondered about different actions from Courtney while they were in a relationship. She seemed to have some interest in Brian.

She attended all of Spencer's college games during the last two years when he was in fact playing on the same team with Brian until Brian was drafted to play with the New York Giants.

Overhearing the not so friendly conversation between Brian's mother and Courtney and his mother referring her as a gold digging, obsessive, cheating ex.

After the conversation was over, Spencer introduced himself to Brian's parents, letting them know that he was Brian's former teammate and a friend of his fiancé, and Courtney's boyfriend. However, in Spencer's mind, he had already dumped Courtney for her lies and deception.

"Spencer if you know what is best for you, stay away from Courtney", Ms. Carter stated. Playing along, Spencer wanted some answers.

I heard you say that Courtney was Brian's ex. I was told that she was his cousin. A loud laugh came from Brian's mother, Ms. Carter.

While we are waiting for a report about my son, says Ms. Carter, I will feel you in on everything you need to know about your girlfriend.

Brian and Courtney dated in high and a little in college. Courtney had high expensive plans for her and Brian's future. My son was all in with her until he really found out about her cheating, lying, and her future gold digging plans.

As much as I hated Courtney, Brian was in love with her and she loved him also and it appears she still does.  However she is all about the fame and money that goes along with a professional player.

As Brian football career started to take off, the ex became obsessed with him and believe me, her being at this hospital is not a surprise as Brian actually had to get a restraining order against her.

I'm sure the cousin lie was one she told to get closer to him.

When she found out he was serious about Olivia, she tried to make him jealous, says Ms. Carter. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but I think she used you Spencer to get closer to Brian.

After having the conversation with Ms. Carter, Brian's mother, it was clear as day what Spencer had to do now.

Approaching Courtney with her be native about Spencer and Ms. Carter conversation, Spencer told her it was over. The lies, deception, gold digger who wanted to get closer to Brian was more than enough to break it off with her.

With tears falling down her face and begging Spencer for forgiveness, he walked away and did not turn back.

At this moment, the only person he thought about was Olivia. How was she holding up, what will be her reaction when she find out that Brian was lying to her about Courtney being his cousin.

Olivia truly believed that Brian was the only man that she has completely trusted. He never gave her a reason to be jealous or even lie to her especially with the professional ball players groupies.

Spencer did not want to tell her this news because he truly could not bear Olivia getting lied too again.

Spencer looked up to see a strange woman pushing a baby stroller asking for Olivia and stating she was a close friend.

What did Olivia have to tell me, before the accident, he says to himself.  Spencer had gone over this time and time again and nothing made sense.

Introducing himself to Olivia's friend, he noticed how uncomfortable she was as if she saw a ghost. She had no idea she he would be there.  She just wanted to check to see how her closest child hood friend was holding up after hearing the news about Brian's car crash.

Olivia had never spoken about her childhood friend during her friendship and relationship with Spencer.

Thinking about what Courtney said when running into Olivia at the park pushing a baby in the stroller and making the statement on how much the baby resembles Spencer.

By the time Spencer tried to look in the stroller, the lady was rushing in the other direction.

That was odd, Spencer says. Why was Olivia's friend in such a rush to get the baby away from him.......and I love babies, Spencer stated.

Why would she run away so quick?

Spencer's mind was over flooded. First he and Liv hooking up over a year ago, Liv saying it was time for him to learn the truth, Brian and Courtney not be cousins, is Brian cheating on Olivia?

I will be finding answers soon, Spencer says to himself.

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