Running out of time

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Olivia POV
Two weeks after meeting Spencer's girlfriend and realizing she was Brian's relative, it bought back a lot of feelings that I still have for Spencer.

Back at work
Spencer and I completed the first 2 sessions of his three part interview. The last part of the interview will be completed in two weeks. 

It was hard focusing on work and home and trying to be professional throughout the interview process with Spencer, knowing that I carry a secret that will change the lives of three people forever, (Spencer, Brian, and myself).

I somehow always thought I would have more time to figure our how to introduce my baby boy to his father and my family.  It would have been much easier if I would have been honest when I found out I was pregnant.  Yes, I though about terminating the pregnancy, but it was only a temporary thought.  Since I lost my dad, how could I intentionally think about taking the life of my unborn child. 

Flashback to over a year ago
I was invited to see a local artist display by one of my GAU friends.  Brian is now in New York preparing for his rookie year.  Being that he is a year older, I still have a year remaining before I graduate.  I arrive at the art display and walk around viewing the local artists work.  Shortly after, I receive a telephone call from my friend apologizing that she had a last minute emergency and had to cancel.

As I stroll around the art gallery, I hear a familiar voice asking about one of the displayed pieces.  I turn around and almost bump into My ex, Spencer, that voice that could always bring me a calm feeling whenever things got hectic.  However, we were passed that phase, at least I though I was. 

There we were looking into each others eyes as if time stood still.  One thing lead to another and I ended waking up in his arms the next morning. 

Immediately feeling guilty, I got up, got dressed and left.  A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant.
End of flashback

If I could do things differently, I never would have betrayed Brian and slept with Spencer.  Brian asked me to marry him prior to moving to New York, but I could not give him an answer then.

The next day after spending the night with Spencer, I booked a ticket and flew to New York.  As soon as I saw Brian, I ran and jumped into his arms.  Ask me again, I said, please ask me again.  Brian proposed to me again and I said yes.  I think part of me saying yes was because I felt guilty.

I do love Brian, but I'm not sure that I am in love with him.  However, we have been together for a few years and of course the next step is marriage.

He does make me happy and he has never hurt or betrayed me the way Spencer did.  My heart is safe with him.

As I try to convince myself that he will understand, deep down inside I know he will not.

I have always believed in honesty no matter what, but revealing to my fiancé that I cheated on him with my ex and conceived a child as a result of my infidelity will end our relationship. I know I have to be honest no matter what the end result will be.

Spencer has always wanted children and Brian and I have decided to wait until both of us are established in our careers.

As I try to prepare for the worst outcome, I know it is only a matter of time before I have to tell them the truth. I miss my son and I want him in my life full time.

I know it is selfish of me, not having my child with me but I thought it was best if I let him temporarily live with another family whom I trust and have known for most of my life.  They knew it was a temporary thing until I got my life together meaning coming clean to everyone.

Jalen Cory James is my son's name and I miss him everyday. How can I tell the man that I plan to marry and the man I still love that I have a son?

As I prepare to leave work and do my daily check in with my baby, I decided for the first time to take him out.  As we head to a nearby park for a walk to clear my head and spend some time with my son, I hear someone calling my name.  Olivia, it is Courtney, Spencer's girlfriend.  She looks at me and then look in the stroller with a confused look on her face.

I'm thinking I have to come up with something quick.  Oh my, isn't he adorable says Courtney.  Oh, I'm just taking a friend baby out for a stroll you know.....she not feeling well so I decided to give her a break. 

I'm now panicking and trying to calm down and hoping that she believed my story.  Oh, by the way, Brian asked Spencer and I to stop by later since I will be leaving tomorrow.  Just now learning about this information, Olivia takes Jalen back to her friend's home and head to her and Brian's apartment.

As soon as she enters her home, her fiancé is preparing dinner for their guest.  Hi babe, I hope you don't mind, but I invited Courtney and Spencer for dinner because she will be leaving soon.

With only a smile and a nod, Olivia headed to the bedroom to shower and change, praying that Courtney did not mention their earlier encounter.

A few minutes later, the door bell rang, with Brian inviting their guest in.

Spencer's POV
I am not completely comfortable seeing the women that I am still in love with, with another man, which is now her fiancé'.  I cannot believe that I am actually in their home again, like we are all great friends.  However, it is Courtney's relative and since she is leaving soon, I guess I can make it through another dinner with them.

Looking around, I have not seen Olivia yet.  About ten minutes later she come down stairs and I find myself looking at her a bit too long.

I noticed during dinner that Olivia seemed a bit off, not like her usual self. 

Olivia, your friend's baby was adorable.  Hopefully, Spencer and I can have a child one day soon.  If we have a son, he would probably look like Olivia's friend baby.  I swear the baby resembles one of the baby pictures I have seen of you babe.  I guess as the saying goes, we all have a twin in the world, Courtney said.

Olivia almost choked on her water with Courtney's statement.  We all looked at Liv and she looked like she had seen a ghost.  Knowing Liv the way I do, something is not right.

No one POV
Brian looked at Liv and asked if she was okay.  She took a minute, but said she was fine.  Liv, I didn't know you had a friend here with a baby, Brian said since you have not been in New York too long.

Spencer studied Olivia's expression and knew something was off. 

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