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It has been e few weeks since Olivia was approached by Alicia with a fake pregnancy test.  She wasn't sure why she reacted the way she did, a scorned girlfriend.

Things had been going great for Olivia and Brian, they communicated everyday and went on actual dates when they were not texting or face timing one another.  Although Olivia had started talking to Brian as a outlet to get Spencer out of her system, things between the new transfer football player took a turn that she did not anticipate.  Like Olivia, Brian had gone through a similar heartbreak and even though he initially stated  he transferred to GAU to be closer to his family, he also transferred to move away from his ex.  Olivia did not expect to start to develop feelings for Brian so soon, but she began to find a little bit of happiness because of her new relationship.  Brian wanted to make things official with Olivia, but she hesitated because he was Spencer's teammate and she didn't want to make things awkward for him especially since he was new and Spencer was the star receiver on the team.  She didn't want to cause any type of issues with the team's players.  She had already experienced that with the article.

For the first time in a long time Olivia felt free, no drama, no judgement, no awkward moments between the vortex.

While Olivia was enjoying her new found relationship, she finally felt like Spencer had finally come to the realization that she had moved on, little did she know that Spencer James had come up with a new plan to win her back.  Spencer also realized exactly how Olivia must have felt when he was dating Alicia.....all the hurt and pain she silently suffered alone.  It broke his heart knowing exactly what he put her through breaking up with her and moving on as though Olivia never meant anything to him.  How could he be so disrespectful, insensitive, and ignorant to her feelings especially when he confessed his love to her in the manner he did.  He promised himself that he would spend the rest of his life proving how much he loves her.

Bang, bang, was heard on Grace Carter front door as her eldest son stood at the doorstep to the new home that she shared with her husband.  Spencer had not made the time to get a key for himself, so until then, he would approach the home as other guests (no key).  Grace immediately saw the look on her son's face that was all too familiar.....pain.  She immediately took her son in her arms and comforted him knowing where the source of his pain came from.  Ma, I never realized how deeply I wounded Liv and how insensitive I was to her feelings.  I hurt her bad and I wasn't there for her the way I should have been when coach died.  Liv suffered silently alone while I paraded another woman in her face.  I knew she wanted us back, but I was insensitive to her feelings, I may have lost her forever.  She is dating a new transfer football player who plays the same position as me.  She seems happy and I want her to be happy but not with another guy.  Brian seems like a decent person, but he needs to find another girl to date, maybe Alicia is available.

As Grace listened to her son pour his heart out, on the other side of town Olivia was getting dressed for her date with Brian. 

Grace allowed her son to once again pour his heart out about the mistake he made breaking up with Olivia and the other things that came after their breakup.  Spencer, things will work out the way they should.  Should you have broken up with Olivia without giving her a chance to express her feelings, no.  Should you have moved on with Felicia, Lisa, Alicia, whatever her name is so soon, no but I must own my part in that as well as I encouraged you to maybe move on and I did kind of encourage you to talk to her.  I knew you wasn't ready to date again, but you took my advice along with your friends to move on and for that I am sorry and I am also sorry that  Olivia was so hurt by something that I may have initiated, she didn't deserve that.  Baby you have to understand that women express their hurt and pain differently than men, they tend to wear it on their sleeve and it is very visible.  Olivia has gone through a lot of pain over the last months and I'm sure she had to fight to stay sober.  With a tear escaping Spencer's eyes all his mother could do at that point was embrace her son.  Now, how do you plan to get our girl back because the Spencer James I know is not a quitter. 

Back from her date with Brian, he and Olivia enter the Baker home to continue their date.  Just as Olivia and Brian approaches the couch to finish the evening watching a movie, they turn the corner to sit down and Spencer is on the couch waiting.

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