Olivia 2.0

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Olivia POV
As I am trying to make it to my next class, I sense someone behind me and as I am turning around, I am met with that gorgeous man that I only met a couple of hours ago.  This time I feel a kind of weird feelings that I have only experienced with my ex.....well you know his name.  Embarrassing myself for a second time, Brian kindly says Hi and I'm convinced that he thinks I'm an idiot by now because I can't seem to talk around him.  He kindly asks for directions to the campus library with me giving him a side eye because he just came from football practice and I believe a shower is the first priority before heading to the library.  As if he knows exactly what I am thinking, he says he is headed to the library after he leaves the locker room.  We both stare at each other without saying and word. 

I walk into my house and see my three roommates sitting at the kitchen island.  As I think about this gorgeous man that I just met today, I am all smiles, truly Liv 2.0 has arrived.  The girls look at me as if they are looking at a stranger.  I am all smiles, no more  love sick Liv, wondering when and if Spencer is coming back to me and crying myself to sleep every time I see him with her.  I am a beautiful, smart, and loving women with a great future.  Why did I spend months suffering over a man who clearly does not want me.  It is time to see my value and move on with someone who appreciate me instead of hurting me.

Spencer POV
Jordan and I arrive at the beach house, as we come through the door, Coop is sitting on the couch.  Coop what are you doing here?  I'm trying to figure out what is going on with Liv.  Yesterday she was sad as that has been her mood lately, but today when she came home from school she was all smiles, I mean it's like she is now Liv 2.0.  I thought back to the new guy running in Liv's direction...naw that can't be it, she loves me too much and will never give another guy a second look.  As I continue to think about all I am going to say to Liv, I can't help but smile at the thought of us getting back together. 

Tonight is the night that I get my girl back.  I call Patience to make sure everything is set up at the Baker's house and that she keep Liv home.  As, I am dressed for a date, I look at myself in the mirror and say, it's time.  As I head down stairs walking towards the door, Jordan stops me and says hot date with Alicia?  I respond no we broke up a couple of weeks ago, I tell Jordan that I am going to get my girl back.

I arrive to the Baker house and see that Liv car is still here.  I'm a bit nervous but why, I already know what is going to happen.  I am going to make her so happy when I tell her I broke things off with Alicia and I want us back together, besides she wants me, I say to myself.  I ring the door bell and Liv answers the door.  She looks at me as if I am a stranger.  I say it is time for us to have that overdue conversation as I hand her the flowers I have behind my back.  Not getting the response I expected, she probably think I'm still dating.....what's that girl's name.....oh Alicia.  Liv invites me in, still having a confused look on her face.  I walk her out to the patio where I arranged a dinner for the two of us.  Liv looks at me and says, what is this?  I respond by saying I owe you a conversation and I am ready for us to get back together.  I explained to Liv that I broke it off with bridal shop girl because I realized who I want and telling Liv I love her and only her.  I took me a long time, but I now realize that you are it for me and I want us back.  I leaned in to kiss her and was greeted by a slap that left my face numb.  Not what I was expecting but I can work with that, heck I deserved it.  Once I got over the initial shock, I saw a look on Liv's face that I have never seen before.  "Get Out", what I said, get out Spencer.  I was confused, Liv you said you wanted us back.  Liv responded, now I don't please leave.  As tears  begin to form in my eyes, this cannot be happening, she loves me, she is the love of my life, this cannot be real.

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