False Hope

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I had planned to complete this story a while ago. There are two more chapters and the last chapter will be a time jump.

No one's POV
It has been a few weeks since the big revelation of baby Jalen. Although Brian was hurt by everything that happened, he still wanted to continue with the wedding to Olivia.

Feelings guilty about what happened between him and Courtney, he felt as though he and Olivia could seek pre-marital counseling to strengthen their relationship and he would raise baby Jalen as his own (Over Spencer's dead body). Unbeknown to Olivia, she had no clue what occurred between him and Courtney and if it came out, her fiance could explain, in his mind because at least he did not have a child with his ex.

Back at their apartment, Olivia was feeding the baby when Brian came home from practice. He went to where his family was sitting (his family in his mind), and kissed Olivia on the cheek, reaching for the baby.

At this point, Brian is desperately doing all he can to hold on to Olivia. She is still there because of guilt, knowing how much she hurt him by having a baby with a man whom she has said in the past that she never wants to see him again.  She didn't want Brian to experience the pain that she experienced when Spencer ripped her heart out all those years ago.

There is a knock on their door and Brian opens the door to an angry Spencer, seeing him holding his son. Quick to walk over and to the door to avoid any confrontation between Spencer and Brian, Olivia rushes over and takes the baby.

Quickly explaining to Brian that it was Spencer's turn to keep the baby, Spencer almost snatch his son seeing him with Brian.

Gathering his things, Olivia invites Spencer in while she asks Brian to go to the nursery and get Jalen's things.

Spencer's POV
How long are you going to keep this up, he says to Olivia. You don't understand, she responds back, no I clearly understand. You still plan to marry him don't you?

Looking down at her feet, she doesn't say anything. Olivia.....after everything we have been through and is still going through, please tell me I am imagining this. Please keep your voice down says Olivia, he will be back anytime. I didn't know he would be home so soon.

No one's POV
Walking back in his condo with his son, Spencer hears his door bell ring a few minutes later.

"Alicia", what are you doing here and how did you find me? In shock, Spencer did not notice the young girl, a mini me of Alicia standing be her side.

Thinking to himself, can this nightmare get any worse. Relax, she is not yours. We moved to New York a few months back and I knew we would eventually cross paths, so I figured that I would take the opportunity to reach out to you first.

Still confused as to why she was there, she explained that she had been keeping tabs on him.

Suddenly, Jalen began to cry and Spencer left her at the door to get his son. "Who do we have here, states Alicia". My son. Wow, I heard the news but actually had to see for myself.

Tell me why you are here at my home again? Just wanted to see you, she states. You have, now leave.

Please Spencer, I have struggled without you. Why, giving her a cold look. We were in love until you decided to chase after your ex who no longer wanted you.

Let's get something straight, I never loved you and you knew that. I only dated you to try to get over Olivia, but I ended up hurting her more that I could ever imagine.

Well after all these years, you still does not have her. Alicia look in my arms, who do you think the mother of my son is?

Look Spencer, says Alicia, I do actually come in peace since I realize years ago that you would never get over Olivia.

If people are lucky enough to experience a love that you and Olivia have, who am I to try and stand in your way?

I really had the intention of coming to New York and to try and say my daughter is yours, but I have matured enough to realize that would never work.  You would always love her no matter what I tried to do.

Alicia then reached in her purse to hand Spencer an envelope.  See, your ex Courtney and I go way back and she still confides in me.

There are some photos and documents that may be of interest to you and Olivia.

Opening the envelope, Spencer was speechless.  His first thought was to wrap Baby Jalen up and rush to Olivia and Brian's apartment.  However, he actually thanked Alicia for the contents of the envelope. 

Bidding farewell to Alicia and hoping to never see her again, she stated, at least one of us can have our happy ending.  Spencer closed to door and let out a long exhausted breath that he never knew he was holding in.

Trying to figure out his next move, he picked up the phone to call his best friend for advice since it involved his sister.

Quick to come to Spencer's condo, Jordan was heated when he saw the contents of the envelope. 

Both men tried to make the best decision on how to proceed with the information they currently contained, knowing Brian would do anything to hold on to Olivia.

After going back and forth, the two best friends decided to call Olivia to meet at Jordan and Simone's home as Spencer prepared a bag for his son to take along with himself and Jordan. 

Hours later, there was a knock on Jordan and Simone's door. 

As Olivia stepped in, she saw Spencer, her baby, Jordan and her sister in law (Jordan and Spencer previously filled Simone in on all the details).

Looking at Olivia with pity, she asked what was going on and why Spencer and Jalen was there.

It was the beginning of a long night where unbelievable secrets would be revealed.

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