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Olivia is by Brian's side, waiting and praying that he will pull through. Suddenly, Brian's parents enter the room with his mother sobbing as she sees her son hooked up to machines that are keeping him alive. In her own world full of regrets and guilt, Olivia didn't notice her fiancé parents as they entered the hospital room.

Hearing sobbing, a teary eyed Olivia turns around to see Brian's mother and his father with tears rolling down his face.
Standing up from her seat that is positioned next to Brian's bed, Olivia dashes toward Brian's mother and the two women embrace one another.

Please tell me what happened to my son, says Mr. Carter. Barely getting her words out, Olivia explained that she received an urgent message at work stating Brian was in a car accident. She continues the story, stating the information she received once she entered the emergency department at the hospital and spoke with the doctor.

It has been over 24 hours since Brian was rushed to the hospital and Olivia has not left his side.

Worried about Olivia, Jordan volunteered to stay with Brian earlier, a few hours before his parents arrived to give Olivia a break to go home and rest but, of course she refused. She knew Brian's parents was on the way from California and she wanted to be there when they arrived.

Flashback to earlier
As Olivia's friend arrived to the hospital looking for Olivia after she heard about the accident on her way there, she stayed in the emergency room hoping to see Olivia until her name was called. She went to the hospital for a completely different reason, the baby was running a fever. Unbeknown to Spencer, he was very close to his son as he sat in the emergency waiting room.

Realizing Courtney had been lying to him during their entire relationship, Spencer broke it off with her after the interesting conversation he had with Brian's mother.

Spencer thought back to the last intense conversation he had with Olivia years ago when he tried to get her back, stating how much he hurt her by lying and breaking all the promises he made to her. He knew when Olivia found out the truth about Courtney and Brian's relationship, it would break her heart, but not nearly as bad as Spencer broke her heart a few years back.

One thing Spencer knows about Olivia was she hated to be lied to, even though she was keeping the biggest lie from her fiancé.

Jalen James, Olivia's friend stood up and walked towards the receptionist desk to answer a few questions.  "What brings you in today"? , states the receptionist.  He has been running a high fever for quite a few hours.  "Mam, have your son had any other symptoms"?, says the receptionist.  All this time, Spencer is running through a million questions when he heard the reception call the baby name.  Mam, this is my friend's son, I am just baby sitting.

Spencer jumps out of his seat heading towards Olivia's friend Stacy with the intent of getting answers.  As he Approaches Stacy, a nurse comes out and called them to the back, WTH, Spencer says to himself.
End of flashback

Mrs Carter offered to stay with Brian so Olivia could go back home to eat, change and get some rest.  Mrs. Carter told Olivia if anything changes with Brian, she would give her a call.

Two weeks Later
Olivia is sitting in Brian's room and she hears what she believes is Brian's voice.  Half asleep, she brushes it off.  Then she hears "Olivia", coming from Brian's.  Oh my God, Brian you are awake, Olivia says with tears running down her face.  Olivia hugs Brian and then runs in the hallway yelling for a doctor.

As the doctor is examining Brian, Olivia calls his parents to let them know the good news.  As they have vowed to stay in New York until their son is better, they arrived to the hospital shortly after Olivia called them.

Both Olivia and Brian parents talked to his doctor as he gives an update on Brian's condition.

Meanwhile, Spencer is starting to put things together.  He specifically remember Jordan telling him that Olivia got engaged and left to study abroad a few weeks after she and Spencer were together.  She went to stay with an old friend for about a month after she got back.  According to Jordan, Liv went flew straight to her friend's house after she came back.  I though that was a little odd at the time, but I didn't give it another though.

Spencer keeps going back to the secret that Liv said it was time for him to know the truth.  He didn't want to press Liv on this since she had gone through so much with Brian the last couple of weeks.  However, once she found out the truth about Courtney, that will be another issue that she has to deal with, Brian's lie.

Back at the hospital, Brian is fully alert, but not without issues, says the doctor.  He will need some time to heal after suffering severe damage to his body because of the accident.   Other than his long healing process and physical therapy he should be able to play football again.

As the doctor finish his conversation with Olivia and Brian's parents, they all walk back into his room.  Hi baby, how are you doing says Mrs. Carter.  We were so worried about you, Olivia says with tears running down her face as she remember the last two weeks of torture.

Brian, why was Courtney here after your accident, says Mrs. Carter.  Brian gives her a look to let her know to be quite.  However, Olivia joins the conversation saying, she is your cousin, so I guess she was scared.  However, Spencer though she was back in LA and not here.

COUSIN!!!! Mrs Carter states, After what she did to you, I dare her to step her foot back in this hospital.  Giving Mrs. Carter a strange look, Olivia was about to ask what she meant, however Mrs Carter beat her to it.  Did she have anything to do with the accident says Brian's mother.  Still looking confused, Olivia asked Mrs Carter why would Courtney have something to do with his accident.  Courtney, lied, cheated and then tried to scam her way back into Brian's life after he broke up with her.

Stunned, Olivia looks at Brian with anger.  Cousin....that is what you told me.  You are a liar, just like the others.  So, Courtney is your ex girlfriend, who was sitting in my house, laughing with you when I got home. Why..... Brian did you lie to me? You had her sitting in our apartment laughing about your pass relationship. I can never trust you again. You have had plenty of opportunities to tell the truth. 

Meanwhile after leaving the hospital a few hours ago, there is a loud bang on Olivia's door.  Spencer, Olivia I need some answers now.   Since Brian's got into an accident, a lot has happened, but most importantly, I need to know what you was going to tell me with you saying "it was time I knew the truth".  Looking down at the floor and playing with her hands, Spencer knew whatever she had to tell him was very important.  Please come in, says Olivia.  Spencer enters the apartment and looks around before taking a seat on the couch.

Suddenly, Olivia gets a call from Stacy telling her to meet her at the hospital.  Panicking, Olivia asks Stacy what is wrong.  It's The baby, it's Jalen.  Again panicking and not thinking, Olivia blurts out, my baby. 

In shock, Spencer looks at Liv.

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