Truth III

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"It's the baby, it's Jalen", Stacey says. Liv get to the hospital now! My baby, Olivia states as Spencer looks at Olivia as if she has grown another head.

"Olivia, what is going said my baby". Not realizing what she said, Olivia grabs her purse and tells Spencer, we have to go. In a rush to get to the hospital, Olivia is racing to the door, but stop when Spencer asks, "going where". Liv before I step out of this apartment you need to tell me what is going on.

"Spencer please, there is no time. I promise you will know soon.

Following Olivia out the door and seeing the panic on her face, Spencer decides to follow her, driving her to the hospital because she was not mentally capable of driving herself.

There was silence on the drive to the hospital. Olivia was tapping her feet on the floor of the vehicle while looking out the window wiping her tears.

Spencer gently place his hand on Olivia's leg to try and calm her down, but nothing seemed to work. With his mind racing, over the events that occurred during the last few days, starting with the secret Olivia referred to. Learning that Courtney, his newly ex-girlfriend was actually Brian's ex and not his cousin. Brian lying about his and Courtney's relationship and Liv recent phone call that currently has them in a speed race to get to the hospital, Spencer's mind was racing 1000 miles per hour.

On the opposite side of the car, the only thing Olivia could focus on was her baby Jalen. At this point, she didn't care about the truth coming out or about what she would potentially lose in the process. She was in panic mom mode and her child was her top priority.

As Spencer and Olivia rushed to the ER, they saw a panic Stacey looking at both parents rushing in together.

Where is he, says Olivia. He is back in the back with the doctor. Assuming Spencer knew the whole story, Stacey said, since I am not Jalen's mother, the doctor needed authorization from his birth mother to treat him.

Olivia rushed back threw the emergency room trying to locate her son. Panicked, She approached the nurse's station and asked for his location. Before pointing Olivia in the right direction, she was asked to provide proof that she was in fact Jalen's mother. After providing the necessary documentation, that she always kept hidden in her purse, she was allowed to see her child.

After carefully explaining her baby's condition, Olivia gave the doctor permission to treat and perform any necessary test that was needed on her son.

Returning to the waiting room, Olivia sat close to Spencer as she waited for information about her child.

Thrown back by the comment from Stacey earlier, Spencer looked at Olivia. His birth mother? Yes, Spencer, I have a 4-month old baby.

A 4-month old, Spencer says, when? .......4 months ago, says Olivia. With pain in his eyes, Spencer says "You and Brian....."a child"?

As Olivia tried to find the right words to say to Spencer, the doctor stepped out and said mother of Jalen James.

Spencer head swiftly looked at Olivia as she stood up. In complete shock, Spencer began to stand from his seat, but his feet would not allow him to move.

Meanwhile, the doctor explains to Olivia that Jalen suffered a rare eruption of a blood vessel in his head after it was revealed during the CT Scan and as a result, they need her permission to perform emergency surgery. He is only 4 months old, Olivia sobbed, how could this happen? Currently we do not have the answers, the only thing we know is he needs surgery now. Olivia quickly gave the doctor permission. "Please do whatever you have to, to save my baby", says Olivia.

Olivia went to sit beside Spencer as she waited for their baby to get out of surgery. Why Olivia, is all Spencer said as he turned to face her.

Tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, and broken, with tears rolling down her face, Olivia had no answer as she sat going over how her life changed within the last few days.

First her fiancé getting into a horrific accident and not knowing if he would survive. Finding out that her fiancé lied to her about Courtney. Her secret baby now in critical condition in the hospital, currently in surgery. Now Spencer, withholding the truth from him about their son. She sat there wondering, what else could go wrong.

Turning to face Spencer with tears rolling down her face, she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Liv, Spencer says, before Brian's accident, you told me that it was time that you told me the truth. Knowing exactly, what she meant now, Spencer wanted to hear the truth from Olivia.

Tell me what you meant when we were in your office prior to finding out about Brian's accident.

Olivia found herself in a full panic attack, slowly slipping from the chair to the floor. The only thing she could hear was Spencer yelling her name and yelling for a doctor.

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