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Beep, beep, beep as Olivia steps in Brian's room, looking at all the equipment that he is hooked up to and fighting for his life.

Spencer sees Olivia drop to the floor as he rushes over to comfort her with the assumption that Brian is dead.

As the doctor is explaining that Brian is currently on life support and not breathing on his own.  Olivia mind went blank.

What happened doc, Spencer says as Olivia was in not state to ask questions.

Mr. Carter was in a head on car collision.  Unfortunately, the driver of the other vehicle did not make it.

Mr. Carter sustained a severe head injury but, I ensure you that we are doing all we can him.

Can....can I see him, Olivia says continuing to sob before the doctor gives her a nod, signaling that she can see him.

Back in the waiting room, Courtney pace the floor crying.  Observing her reaction to her "cousin's" condition seems very off to Spencer.

His mind is all over the place from thinking about what Liv said back in her office prior to the phone call.

Now is not the time to press Liv about our conversation, Spencer says to himself, but I need to know what she is hiding from me.

Again, what did Liv mean about it was time he learned the truth.

Another part of him wondered why Courtney was in New York when she clearly supposed to be in LA.

How did Courtney find out about accident so quickly. 

For the sake of  Olivia, Spencer decided to table that conversation with Courtney for now.

Something is not right, Spencer thinks to himself as he says to himself as well, I will get to the bottom of this.

Hours before the accident
As Brian is just getting out of the shower from being at practice.  He hears someone banging on the door.

Not really giving it a second thought, Brian opens to the Courtney.

Why are you here at my apartment that I share with my fiancé whom I am in love with.

If you don't tell her I will.  That was one mistake that I made with you when I had too much alcohol.  It does not matter, says Courtney it still happened.

Look Courtney, I love my fiancé and I plan to keep it that way.  I made one mistake with you and that can cost me everything.  The past is the past and should be left there.

Going back and forth with Courtney was really getting to Brian and the thought of losing Olivia scared him.

Olivia had told him about her past of being overlooked by her family.  The betrayal of her brother and the love of her life lying and hurting her twice.

Brian knew if Olivia ever found out about this mistake with Courtney, she would break things off with him.

Go out of my home now! Brian says to Courtney.  Refusing to leave because she wants him back and the way she sees it now, she want Olivia out of the picture. 

Well, if you don't tell her, I will.  Rushing out of the apartment, Courtney makes her way out of the building, heading to her rental to approach Olivia at work.

As she gets in her car, Brian yells at her has speeds off.

Afraid that Courtney will get to her first he jumps in car hot on her tail trying to stop her before she gets to Olivia.

BOOM......CRASH Courtney looks in her rear view mirror and sees Brian in a head on collision.

Barely jumping out of her car before it is switched off, Courtney runs back to the scene. no no, Courtney screams.  In a panic she dials 911 for help.

Waiting for the emergency vehicle arrival, Courtney sobs, please Brian don't leave me, I love you and deep down inside you still love me too. 

Deep inside, Brian has no interest in Courtney, but in her imaginary mind he did.

Sitting at besides Brian's bed, Olivia could barely look at him knowing what happened between her and Spencer.  A child came out of the encounter.

Brian is the only man who has put her first and never lied to her or broke his promises.

Little did Olivia know, he was hiding the same thing, but it didn't result in a child.

Back in the waiting room, Spencer approached Courtney. 

Spencer's POV
What are you doing here?  Why are you not in LA?

The last time we talked, you had no plans to come to New York.  That was a couple of days.

I've seen the way you act around Brian when we had dinner with them twice.  That is not how you act towards a "cousin.

You not telling  me that Brian is your cousin until the first you came here.  Brian and I have played on the same team for 3 years and you never mentioned that you two are related.

As Courtney paces the floor, Spencer asks the question, why are you here?  They way I saw you acting when you rushed through those doors like a bat out of hell, spells "not related".

So start talking Courtney and I want the truth NOW!!

I would like to apologize for not posting within a day of the last chapter  as I promised.  The was a sudden death in my husband family.

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