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Spencer's POV
I was typing on my phone when I heard the conference room door open. I looked up and could not seem to find an emotion, word, or expression that would explain my reaction to the person that just entered the conference room. After a couple of minutes without an emotion or thought, I heard something fall on the floor, noticing that Olivia dropped everything she had in her hand.

She must be as shocked as I am at the moment, because neither of us move or say a word.

I decided to get up and pick up the items she had in her hand. Trying to make lite of the situation, I said, chromosomal dna, she immediately burst out laughing.

Spencer........you were the last person I expected to see today, Olivia says. You are the last person I expected to see today also, mirroring her statement.

As we were silent for a couple of awkward minutes, I wanted to clarify that I thought I would being interviewed by someone else and I didn't know she worked for this newspaper. Thinking to myself, it has been years since I have been alone with Olivia so I didn't want to make this awkward.

Olivia and I had seen each other on occasions and the last time I saw her, I learned that she was engaged, catching me by surprise. I knew she and Brian had been together for a while and I can honestly say that I didn't initially believe it was going anywhere, but I was proven wrong.

Both Olivia and I have different lives now, she is engaged and I have been in a relationship with someone I met a couple of years ago. I must say she still looks to same........beautiful.

Olivia's POV
I see that Spencer is trying to make small conversations to make our encounter a little less awkward. I appreciate him for doing that because I could not seem to find any words to say. I guess seeing him on television earlier this morning, bringing back a lot of memories, and him being one of the first people I saw after I get to work kind of threw me for a loop.

The last thing I knew about Spencer's personal life was that he had been in a steady relationship with someone he met that attended another university near GAU. I mean I moved on so, he should have too.

Finally getting my papers together with the help of Spencer, I quickly settled into my seat to try and skim through the interview questions from one of my previous interviews with a rookie football player.

Looking over the questions and trying to tailor those questions for Spencer does not work, I guess because I know Spencer on a deeper level.

Knowing that I am the one conducting the initial interview, I will probably be assigned to finish out the next couple of scheduled interviews since we cannot accomplish these in the allotted time.

Honestly, I'm not prepared for this interview today, so being that both of us was kind of caught off guard and I honestly need a minute, I ask Spencer if I could combine the the three scheduled interviews into two. Agreeing, he suggests another option, for us to have a working early lunch to catch up and at the same time, discuss anything about his career. Not, immediately responding as he is looking for an answer, I say of course, because I don't want to seem affected by Spencer's presence.

I walk to my office and grab my purse and head out the office walking down to one of my favorite lunch spots down the street, a sushi restaurant.

We enter the restaurant and is quickly seated as I hear a slight laugh from Spencer and I know he is laughing at my choice of restaurants.

I sit on one side of the booth and Spencer sits on the other. I notice he  looks over at my left hand quickly turning his head. So..... I start, how have you been, I ask.

Spencer's POV
I quickly look at Olivia's left hand and saw her engagement ring, hoping she did not see me. I honestly think I will always love Olivia but we are in different places now so that does not matter. I do love Courtney, but not the same way I loved Olivia, no one can ever take her place, but I learn to move on.

So, how is Courtney, right Olivia says. Courtney is back in California and we are doing the long distance thing for now, but we are doing good. She should be at our season opener on Sunday. So how is the fiancé, I mean Brian.

Olivia POV
After catching up with Spencer and managing to get a few questions in, I went back to my office to type up the responses from Spencer's interview.

I finished up at the office and headed home. Opening my door and entering my apartment, I find my fiancé laughing with another female. I guess they both saw the strange look on my face and Brian quickly got up and came over to greet me. Still a bit puzzled by this woman in my home, Brian quickly introduced us, Olivia, this is my cousin Courtney. She came in town a few days early for her boyfriend's game this Sunday. Since she has some extra time, she wanted to stop by and catch up. It has been a while.

Still a little puzzled I put two and two together and quickly realized that Courtney is Spencer's girlfriend......great.

Courtney came over and acknowledged me. As we were about to sit down, the door bell rang. Apologizing before I reached the door, Courtney stated that her boyfriend would be picking her up from here and that was probably him.

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