Truth and Revelation

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While Brian is being released on one side of the hospital. Olivia was admitted on the other side, along with her baby. Brian had no idea she had a son.

When Spencer was still in Olivia's room, she had yet to wake up. Going to check on Jalen, as Spencer truly believed he is his son, he walked to the nurse's desk to try and find out if Jalen was out of surgery.

There was only two people that was allowed to see, authorize, or speak to the doctor about Jalen's condition, his mother and father.

Unbeknown to Spencer, when Olivia had provided proof to the hospital staff that she was in fact Jalen's birth mother, the document that has been tucked away in her purse was Jalen's birth certificate. She didn't know why she felt a need to keep the document with her at all times instead of storing it away so that she would be the only person with access, she was glad that she did, because the last thing Olivia thought about after receiving the call from her friend Stacey was getting to the hospital. Grabbing the birth certificate would have been the last thing on her mind.

As Spencer approached the desk to try and get an update on Jalen's condition, he was asked what his relationship was to the baby. As the nurse looked at the only two people that could see the baby, after stating his name, the nurse stated "Of course, since you are listed as the father". With his suspicion confirmed, an emotional Spencer was told that Jalen was still in surgery.

With his emotions everywhere, Spencer had to sit and gather himself prior to returning to Olivia's room.  He knew that was the secret that Olivia had been referring to the day in her office, but he wanted to hear the truth from her.

It has been a few couple of days since Olivia and Brian has spoken, with their last conversation being very unpleasant. Olivia told Brian that he was a liar for lying about his relationship with Courtney, but little did he know that she had a bigger secret that would probably end their relationship.

Brian also had a secret and with Courtney still in town and keeping tabs on him like the stalker she was, he knew he had to either do what Courtney wanted or be a man and tell Olivia everything.

Like Olivia, Brian was tired of the secrets and lies.  He made a drunk mistake with Courtney and he was tired of her threats and living on the edge knowing that any day, the entire truth could be revealed.  He could always deny that he slept with Courtney, but she had proof, so that would not work.

Brian didn't know if Olivia would forgive him for drinking too much and letting his ex take advantage of his drunken state, but he knew he had to tell her the truth.

Thinking of this on the way to their apartment from the hospital, had given him the clarity he needed to come clean.

Walking into their apartment and expecting Olivia to be there when he arrived home with his parents, he was left with a voice message stating Olivia had been admitted to the hospital. Brian was Olivia emergency contact, so it was required that the hospital contact him.

Not 100% recovered, but still able to get around, Brian rushed in the hospital trying to find out information about his fiancé.

As he was directed to her room, he saw a sight that made his blood boil, Spencer sitting besides Olivia's bed, holding her hand as she still had not waken up.

What the hell are you doing in my fiancé room? A fuming Spencer stood up and asked how was he and Courtney doing, you know, your make believe cousin.

Going back and forth, Olivia woke up to the yelling asking what was going on.

Brian rushed to her side saying, thank God you are okay baby. What happened, I was told you had a panic attack.

I'm sorry for lying to you about my relationship with Courtney, I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea.

Spencer stands further back and observe their conversation, "Did you really think your lie made me whine up in the hospital, don't be so native Brian.

Tell me what caused this Olivia, looking in another direction and not at Brian, Olivia admitted that she had not been upfront with him. Olivia was tired of all the secrets and lies. He needed to know the truth.

Looking toward the door, Spencer starts to exit the room before he was called back by Olivia.

Confused as to why Spencer was still there, Olivia took a long breath......... I was called to the hospital by my friend Stacey, Olivia states.  The one with the she ok, Brian asked.

With a sad and sorrowful look, Olivia stated that Stacey had to rush the baby here.  Still a bit confused as to why Olivia had a full panic attack that caused her to stop breathing for a few seconds and now a patient at the hospital, Brian was still confused.

Stacey called me because she didn't have the authority for Jalen to be treated.  "Why would she call you"?, Brian stated as he was really confused. 

Brian, I really need you to listen to me.  I am exhausted and tired of keeping secrets. Thinking Olivia was referring to him and Courtney, Brian moved to speak again to tell her the complete truth.

Olivia, I..........before Brian could finish speaking, Olivia cut him off and said Stacey did not have authorization to allow the baby to be treated because she is not the biological mother.......I am.

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