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Stunned by Olivia's omission of being a mother, Brian's was in an initial state of shock.  As he began to realize what Olivia said, a smile formed on his face as he began apologizing to Olivia.

"Olivia, I know we talked about having children in a few years, but I don't understand why you would keep having my child from me".  I must say I was hesitant when we had that conversation in the past, but I'm sorry that you felt as though I would not be happy with you having our child before getting married". 

Where is he, Brian asked Olivia.  She explained that Jalen was hospitalized and that was the reason she had a panic attack.

Looking at Olivia and starting to get upset, Spencer began to back away from her thinking that Olivia may allow Brian to believe the child is his.

Looking between Brian and Spencer, Olivia cleared her throat to get their attention.  Still not understanding why Spencer was still with Olivia, Brian vocally dismissed Spencer and told him to leave.  NO!!....both men looked at Olivia.  He has every right to be here.  Not understanding where Olivia was going with this, her fiancé thanked Spencer for bringing Olivia to the hospital, but said he can take care of his future wife without anyone's help.

As tearing starts to run down Olivia's face, she stopped Brian from saying anything else.

Confused again, "Spencer is here because his son.........our son is in surgery.

Backing up and looking between Spencer and Olivia, Brian starts shaking his head in denial. How......"I think you know how", Spencer says to Brian as if he is has no idea how little Jalen was conceived. SMACK!!!! Brian's fist connects with Spencer's face.

Screaming and crying, Olivia yells at both men to stop as she is starting to encounter another panic attack.  Both men rush to her bedside with Spencer immediately rushing out of the room to call for a doctor.

A few hours later
Spencer is in the waiting area as Jordan and Simone come running in the hospital emergency department.  Shocked to see both Spencer and Brian at the hospital, Jordan and his wife approaches Spencer to get the details as Brian has removed himself from the waiting area.

After filling his best friend and his wife in on the shocking events that occurred, both Jordan and Simone were speechless and hurt at the same time.  The fact that Olivia has a child and neither of them knew she was pregnant by Spencer and not her fiancé was mind blowing for everyone.

Spencer still trying to come to terms with being a father and having a child with the only woman he has ever been in love with and still loves after all the years apart and everything that has happened was shocking to him.

The family of Jalen James, the doctor came through the double doors of the emergency room.  Spencer, Jordan, and Simone approached the doctor for an update.  He explained that the baby was resting after surgery and he should be able to make a full recovery.

"Can I see my son", Spencer asked, please follow me, the doctor instructed.  As Spencer approached the baby's room, he stood at the entrance of the door with tears in his eyes as this was the first time seeing little Jalen, his mini-me.

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