Banquet Night (Part 2)

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Stunned by Spencer's comment, Olivia quickly jerked her arm from Spencer's hand and reminded him why she was no longer his. Spencer, Olivia stated, you lost that privilege the night you broke up with me and if that did not hurt enough, you started your "smash tour"......Liv I didn't.....shut up Spencer, I'm talking. As I was saying, you started your smash tour and quickly started seeing someone else within a couple of weeks after you broke my heart. Hear me when I say this Spencer, I am no longer interested in your community penis. I'm sure there are plenty of girls that are waiting in line, you being a football player and all. I know my worth and I will not be reduced to going after an ex again and telling you I wanted us back so that you could bring your ex hoochie in my presence not even trying to hide or take my feelings into consideration. So Mr James, hear me when I say this, you are no longer relevant, you are not to be trusted, a liar, and no longer worthy of my time, so get out of my way so I can get back to my very handsome.......much taller date.
Stunned by the words that left Olivia's mouth, Spencer left the banquet and drove a few hours reflecting on the words that came from Olivia's mouth. How could he be so confident she would be waiting for him when he decided to get her back. It should have been simple. She told me before Coach died that we were more than friends and she wanted us back. It had only been a few months since we had that conversation, how did I misread her? Was I really that shallow to think that the most beautiful woman on campus would sit and wait for me to decide when or if I wanted to get back together? I just broke up with her and left her to deal with the pain on her own. I wasn't really there for her when Coach died, nor did I ever think about her soberity, how could I be that selfish.

A few days after the banquet , Spencer was at the beach house alone.  Suddenly there was a knock on the door.  He wasn't expecting anyone, but when he opened the door it was one of the last people he wanted to see, Alicia.  Hi Spence, I've been checking on you and noticed that you are still single.  Look I want to lay all my cards on the table.  I wish I would have fought harder for you because I truly can see a future with us.  I didn't know it then, but I fell in love with you and I was too embarrassed to tell you.  I know things have not worked out with Olivia and from what I've seen, she has moved on, why not do the same.  Caught off guard, Alicia leans in and kisses Spencer and reveal her lack of clothing under her very light rain coat.  Spence I know we can be great together and I will be here for you unlike Olivia.  While Alicia is giving her spill, Spencer has a second of weakness and invites her in.  However, that second is short lived.  Listen Alicia, you are a decent girl and we did have some fun together, but it was never my intention to pursue a long term relationship with you.  I thought getting involved with you would help me get over Olivia.  I'm sorry for my part in that relationship and my intentions, but I do want to make myself clear, whether Olivia is dating someone else or not, she is the love of my life and I will fight for her as long as I live.  I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but never come to my home,  or anywhere you think I may be because you were a mistake that should have never happened.  Spencer you will see, trust me you will come back to me and forget about the Beverly queen who no longer wants you.  Get out of my house Alicia and find someone who will actually care about you.

Meanwhile, Olivia 2.0 is enjoying her new friend.  They have been on several dates, which allows her less time to think about Spencer James. 

A couple of weeks later, Spencer spots Olivia and Brian hand in hand from across the campus.  Needless to say, Spencer is enraged and decides to re-think Alicia's offer. 

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