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In a state of panic, Olivia tries to gather herself, searching for her keys to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Seeing the panic and constant tears, Spencer offers to drive her.

It is silent during the long drive to the hospital. Spencer glances at Olivia several times and place his right hand on her thigh to try to reassure her and calm her down.

Not really paying attention to Spencer's hand placement, Olivia begins to feel a little more relaxed, as that was one of the physical ways that he used to calm her nerves in the past.

Spencer could not help but think back to the conversation that he and Olivia had in her office. What did she mean by saying it was time he learned the truth.

As puzzling as that conversation was, Spencer's main focus now was being there for Olivia.

Olivia could not help but play over and over in her head about the last year plus. The betrayal, lies, and most importantly her baby.

The guilt itself was enough to drive her crazy and not knowing her fiancé condition, she was on the verge of a panic attack.

Brian is the only man in Olivia's life that she felt never lied to her, put her second or has hurt her. She always felt second to Jordan most of her life when it came to her father, although they got really close before he died.

Spencer promised that he will always love and be there for her, but he broke her heart twice and lied. She had to sit back and watch the man she loved be with her best friend first and then with someone else shortly after he broke up with her. Yes, she played a part in the break up by shutting him out and keeping secrets, but she never thought he would dismiss her and move on like she never existed.

Then there was her brother. He was more interested in being popular in high school than being there for his sister. He also encouraged Spencer to start dating someone else after he broke his sister's heart. He was there more for Spencer than he was for her. That cut Olivia deep. How could her own twin not see her pain and betray her.

Brian did none of these things to her. He was always there. When they had a disagreement, they talked it out ensuring neither one went to bed angry.

Brian has been the light in Olivia's life that Spencer referred to when they broke up. Supportive, loving, caring, and confident in what ever decision she made.

Brian was not threatened by Spencer, he was confident, and for a long time his confidence was valid because Olivia had no interest in Spencer because he represented pain for her and she had passed that phase, so she thought.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Olivia flew through the emergency department in search for her fiancé, the only constant in her life for the last few years.

As she paced the hallway waiting for answers, Courtney Brian's cousin, burst through the door.

With a confused look on her and Spencer's face, thinking she was back in California, Spencer approached Courtney to ask what she was doing there. With confusion on her face, Courtney tried to come up with a quick lie.

Flashback to a few years ago
Brian was walking to class and he stopped in his tracks seeing his ex-girlfriend Courtney on GAU Campus. She was one of the reasons Brian accepted a football scholarship outside the state of California. Their longtime high school relationship came to a rocky end.

Courtney was known for doing some foul things and it cut Brian deep once he found out. They had planned a future together, but she betrayed him, so he moved as far away from her as possible to forget his past.
End of flashback

Courtney ran over to Spencer and wrapped herself in his arms trying to distract his and Olivia's questionable expressions with grief.

Spencer had questions, but he stayed silent due to the current circumstances and environment.

Brian Carter, the doctor announced as he opened the double doors.  Olivia ran up to him as well as Courtney.  I'm Olivia Baker, his fiancé.  Unbeknown to Olivia but not Spencer, Courtney was staring a hold in Olivia's face when she said the word fiancé.

Looking at both women, Spencer shook his head and his mind began to turn.  Why is Courtney here and not in LA?

Why is she giving Olivia a death stare, she is Brian's cousin?

Things was not adding up for Spencer because a cousin would not react the way Courtney is at this moment. 

Spencer thought back to he and Courtney's relationship.  She never mentioned Brian being her cousin although they played for the same team for three years. 

As Spencer way off in his own world, he saw Olivia dropped to her knees sobbing.

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