Moving On

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Two weeks later
The GAU Football Team is having an end of the year Banquet and also introducing new players. Each player is allowed to invite one guess. Brain and Olivia hadn't really reacted besides the typical hello and how is everything going. With Brian new to the Football Team, he didn't know a lot of people outside of his new teammates. As he was walking to the football field, he ran into Olivia. He had an idea but was very skeptical whether or not he would act on it. Being very bold, he asked Olivia to be his plus one to the Banquet.

Olivia POV
I haven't been thinking a lot about Brian the last two weeks because I have been focusing on myself trying to move on and be positive about my future......easier said than done. However, when I was walking on campus to my next class, there he was, Brian. Although we have had some communication during the last two weeks, it was short conversations. As I would always avoid the football field, which was by the way, one of my short routes to class and it happened to be a late class at the end of the day, when the team typically would do lite workouts. As I was speed walking by the football field, I saw Brian walking towards my direction. I was well aware of the Banquet because of Jordan and Simone. Since she will be home this weekend.

Looking a bit nervous, Brian he took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves before asking me to the Banquet as a friend. I toyed around with my decision before finally saying yes. Thinking about my decision, to attend with Brian now that he is Spencer's teammate, plays the same position and is just as good as Spencer, that may be an issue, but I did tell him that I was moving on, so why not let him see for himself. My main concern was Brian. Spencer can be so petty sometimes, but he is my past and I am excited about my future.  Although, the hurt, pain, and disappointment is still there, it does get a little bearable each day.  I think about my dad and how he would always be there for me.....I miss him so much.

It is the day of the Banquet.  Some of the guys are talking about their plus one,  Spencer, Jordan, Brian and a few others are in the locker room packing up to leave for the day.  Jordan tells Brian that since he is rather new and haven't really met anyone other than the members on the football team, not to fell bad attending the event solo.  Spencer added, yea man I'm going solo too so don't feel bad.  Brian's responded by saying he did meet someone and was kind of nervous about asking her, but he finally put all his nervousness aside and asked her to attend the banquet with him.  With both Spencer and Jordan dapping him up, little did either of them know that his date was Olivia.

Olivia was upstairs getting ready and putting the final touches on her her makeup.  The doorbell rang and Patience answered the door.  She was momentarily stunned when she saw this gentleman dressed with a black tux.  She responded by says, excuse me do you have the wrong home?  With an little smile, Brian says I'm here to pick Olivia.  He goes on to introduce himself to Patience.  She sizes him up saying is nice to meet you.  Olivia is now walking down the stairs looking absolutely stunning, wearing a long red dress with a split on the left which goes all the way to her mid thigh.  Stunned by her beauty, Brian can't seem to find his words.  Olivia approaches him and give him a hug.  Now that Brian can actually talk he gets over his nervousness and tells her she looks absolutely stunning.  Olivia says thank you, you don't look to bad yourself.  Ready, says Olivia

Spencer is at the table with Jordan, Simone, and a couple other players who came solo.  They are still getting to know their new teammate so they told him earlier the he and his date is welcome to sit at their table.  Unknowingly to Spencer and Jordan that it is Olivia.  Brian and Olivia stepped through the door, with Olivia and Brian's arms linked together, all eyes are on them.  Jordan and Spencer are distracted, having a conversation of their own until Simone clears her throat.  When Spencer turns his head, his heart momentarily stops.  Not actually believing what he is seeing.  Brian and Olivia approaches the table, he pulls out the chair for her and introduces her to everyone.  Unknown to Brian, Jordan is Olivia twin, Simone is her best friend, and Spencer is her ex.  This night is about to get very interesting.

(As the writer of this story, I appreciate all the positive input that I have received, thank you. What I will not tolerate is vulgar and immature comments, you will be blocked. I understand this may not be a story for all, but keep you nasty comments to yourself. I am writing this story to make a point. If you don't like it don't read. Again for my supporters, thank you).

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