Time's Up?

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Olivia POV
It has been a few days since I last saw Spencer and Courtney.  Courtney has returned to LA and I am relieved that she has gone back home.

I have the final interview for Spencer in few days.

Sitting here in my office trying to figure out where my life when wrong. 

I was never one to keep secrets, and as a matter of fact, I was the one friend who always encouraged others to be honest no matter what.

Here I am wondering why I have lived with this lie for so long.

How could I cheat on my boyfriend at the time with a man that ripped me apart. 

Out of guilt, I accepted Brian's proposal and fooled myself into thinking that would fix everything until I found out I was pregnant.

Lucky, I left to study abroad for the last semester at GAU during the majority of my pregnancy.

Upon returning, I stayed with a long time friend for the last month of my pregnancy and had my son Jalen.

I am really thankful for my longtime friend Stacey.  Stacey lived in Beverly Hills until her family moved to New York, he finished his baseball career.

Sure I had longtime friends from Beverly, but I am grateful that Stacey and I stayed close because she was the only person I could fully trust to help me keep my secret.  There was no way I could move back to LA being eight months pregnant.

Stacey lived in the Midwest at the time I moved in with her, and as a favor to me, she moved to New York shortly after I had my baby so that I could be close to him.

Stacey and her partner has been a life saver, but it is time for the truth to come out, no matter what.  My baby deserves to know his father.  I can no longer live with this lie.

As I am reminiscing over all that has happened and the actions I must take to fix everything, I  hear someone knocking on my office door.  Still reminiscing, I didn't realize someone had actually entered my office until he cleared his voice, Spencer.

Since his last encounter with Olivia, Spencer could not shake the feeling that something is going on with Olivia.

As he entered her office, he apologized for catching her off guard, as he saw Olivia flinch when he entered, as if she was uncomfortable.

Olivia, surprised to see Spencer in her office immediately tells him the interview is not for a few more days.

That's not what I am here for Liv, Spencer states.  I have tried to contact you and you have ignored my calls over the last few days.  I have even left messages for you here at work, Spencer says.....what's going on?

Spencer's POV
Olivia has not been the same since Courtney and I had dinner at her place.  The conversation about her friend's baby took her in a complete direction. 

One person that I will always know better than myself is Olivia Baker and I know something is not right.

After that conversation at dinner Liv could not look me in the eyes for the rest of the night.  There was a sense of uncertainty or uncomfortably. 

Was she regretting not giving us a second chance after I begged her for months before she decided to completely cut me off for good?

Was she thinking about how our future child would look after Courtney's comments?

Was she still feeling guilty about us sleeping together over a year ago?

So many things crossed my mind in the last few days to the point that I have barely slept. 

Somehow when I was finally able to get a decent night of sleep a couple nights ago, I woke up from a very strange dream that I have not been able to get out of my head.

Flashback to dream
Olivia and I walking in the park with our baby boy, taking an afternoon stroll.  We stopped at a bench, took Cory out of the stroller and played with him as he cooed and try to say either ma ma or da da.
End of flashback

Short and strange I know, but that is all I could get from the dream.

Maybe that could have happened in the past but, it is in fact the past.  She is engaged and I have Courtney.

However, standing in her office right now, brings me back to that dream and the uneasy feeling that has now taken over me.

My mind is racing, as I think back to over a year ago,  not possible.

Shook by Spencer's surprise visit to her office, Olivia is still unable to look at him because of her guilt.

Liv, we need to talk, Spencer says.  You have not been the same since that conversation with Courtney a few nights ago at your place.  What is going on and don't say nothing, because I know you, Spencer says.

You have not been able to look me in the eyes since then.

Olivia POV
It is time to end this lie, no matter what happens.  I cannot live like this any longer.

Spencer, you are right.  I haven't been the same since that conversation with your girlfriend at dinner. 

We need to talk.  It is time you know the truth.

As Olivia was preparing herself, as to how she needed to talk to Brian first and then tell Spencer  the truth, suddenly her office door flies open.

Her assistant, says Ms. Baker, I have been trying to contact you.  You need to get to the hospital as soon as possible, it's you fiancé.

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