New beginnings

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It has been a few weeks since all of the information came out about Olivia and Spencer's son and Brian.

Hearing a knock on her condo, Olivia opened the door to find Brian on the other side looking like he had not slept in days.

Not having any communication at all with Brian, he came over to talk about their ex relationship. Sorry for everything that he did to her after meeting her years ago and making a promise to her that he would always be honest with her and not hurt her in any way.

She trusted him, knowing what she went through with Spencer humiliating her and flaunting Alicia in her face almost as soon as they broke up.

It was not easy for Olivia to trust any man after the pain she previously went through with her ex. She was tired of being hurt, lied to, embarrassed by public and private humiliation.

Brian helped her through a lot and she was finally ready to move on with him.

Finally stepping aside to let him in, she needed closure and so did he.

Why, asked Olivia? You knew how hard it was for me to move from my ex, but you are worst. Married........really? Getting your ex pregnant and allowing me to think she was your cousin? She was here several times, in our home. Do you not see what the problem was?

I'm not married Olivia, that was supposed to be resolved a few years back. I am sorry that somehow the paperwork flawed. I was young and stupid, so I trusted her to finalize and take care of everything after I signed the paperwork. She lost the baby, so no I do not have a child.

I made a mistake while you were gone for so long. I got drunk, ran into her, and all I remember is waking up naked with Courtney next to me. That was the first and last time I stepped out on you, I'm sorry because the last thing I wanted to do was see you broken again.  Will, you didn't succeed at that.  I trusted you.

Well for what it is worth, I did have a child with my ex, so I think we are pretty much equal.

I took a chance and came over because I owed you a conversation and we needed closure.

I'm glad that we were able to get that. Standing up walking to the door, Brian turned around and said, I would have loved Jalen as my own. I know you would have, says Olivia. I love you Liv. I love you too says Olivia to Brian. She was just no longer in love with him. We could have had a good life together says Brian. I know says Olivia.

Goodbye Liv, goodbye Brian. I hope you find the happiness you deserve too.

Opening the door to leave, he finds Spencer and baby Jalen about to come in. Both men stood at the entrance of the door and stared each other up and down. Quickly moving away, Brian looked back towards the condo and said to Spencer, please don't hurt her again.

Taking in what Brian just said, Spencer vowed to never hurt Olivia again if they ever were to give their relationship another shot.  However, Spencer wanted to give Olivia the time and space she needed before having that conversation with her. 

Spencer knew Olivia was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but for now, they are co-parenting. 

"Need any help", says Spencer.  Everything is almost done as Olivia decided to move out of the condo that she shared with her ex-fiancé.

Since she and Spencer was co-parenting and he lived in a penthouse, they worked out an agreement in which she would move into one of his spare bedrooms so that both of them could be their with there son.

During this time Spencer and Olivia began to get their friendship back to where they were before they started dating. 

They went back to their movie marathons while raising their son together. 

Four years later
Olivia panicked trying to find the necklace Spencer gave her the first time he told her he was in love with her.

Jalen now a big brother to his sister Lauren, who is about 2 years old, came down stairs in the family room to watch Spencer's away game as a family.  Jalen picked up his mother's lucky necklace.  Is this what you are looking for mommy?  Oh Thank God, I cannot watch your father play unless I have my good luck charm.

After winning the game and arriving home from his away game to his and Olivia's mansion in Los Angeles, he quietly opened their bedroom door to find his wife of two children soundly asleep.

Reading the note that she left him, saying she tired to wait up for him to get back home.

Spencer smiled after reading the note, looking at his beautiful wife and her growing belly, knowing that their other two children (terrorist 1 and 2) must have warned her out.

Olivia previously vowed to Spencer that she would not be baking another child in her belly again.  Her current pregnancy was horrible and she still had three months left.

Looking at his family all laid out on he and Olivia's bed, Spencer could only smile and remind himself how truly blessed he was to get his girl back and have a family with the love of his life. 

The End

Thank you all for supporting me during the writing of my first story.

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