Thank you

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First, I want to think you all for your support during my time of grief.  I also want to thank you for reading this story as it is my first attempt.  You all have been great and it has been a pleasure reading your comments as this story continues to evolve.  Honestly, I did not know where I wanted this story to go once I started writing, but I guess it took on a life of its own.  I have a few more chapters to complete until it is finished.  It was my goal to at least write 2 chapters a week because I do not want to be one of those writer that does not update their stories or quit writing.  Once I start something, I like to see it through, because I owe that to my readers.  I know life happens sometimes, but if a writer does not finish a story, delete it from the app.

Anyways, thank you all.  I will be going on vacation starting tomorrow, but I promise to have another chapter for you next week when I return.  Who knows, I just may write something on my long flight tomorrow.

Again, thank you all for your support. 💕

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