Banquet Night

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Olivia took her seat at the table, which was located to Spencer's left. After pushing Olivia chair closer to the table, Brian began to introduce her to the group. Olivia this is.....before Brian could finish, Olivia cut him off by saying my twin brother Jordan, his girlfriend and my best friend Simone, and Spencer whom I have know since high and by the way, he is my ex-boyfriend. Surprised by the revelation, Brian's response was nothing less than confusion.  Not knowing that Spencer and Olivia use to date, an apologetic and questionable expression was on Brian's face.  The last thing he wanted to do was to cause any problems with the team, since he is new and barely knows anyone outside the GAU Football Team.

Olivia could feel a hole burning on the right of her face because Spencer's seat was located next to Olivia.  Olivia on the other hand was wondering out of all the seats at their table, she was seated next to Spencer.

After the "suppose" introductions , which by the way was not actual introductions since Olivia knew everyone, the table got a bit quiet and awkward.

With Spencer trying to be a bit petty, he turned he head to the left, looking at Brian, and moved his seat a little closer towards Olivia's placing his arm around Olivia's chair, as if he was claiming what was his, his comment to Brian was "man you move pretty fast because you only been at GAU for a minute and already trying to hook up with women". Everyone at the table looked at Spencer because they knew he was jealous.  Brian defended himself saying he didn't know Spencer and Olivia dated and based on the conversations we've had in the past, your name never came up.  I am new to the team and the school, Brian says and Olivia was the first person I met outside the football team.  Not, trying to disrespect you Spencer (Brian is a year older), but I'm sure there isn't a grace period in which you ask someone that you like to attend an event.

As the night progressed, conversations were minimal and looks were interesting to say the least. So, Brian, how did you meet my sister, Jordan stated. Brian goes to tell them about how they initially met, which was by far an awkward first introduction. He continues expressing how they have communicated since they first met, ignoring Spencer's obvious stare that was slowing burning a hole in his face.

With each person engaged in their own conversations, Spencer was awkwardly trying to smile as he talked to a couple of his single teammates that where also occupants at their table, not taking his eyes off of Olivia the entire time.

Olivia excused herself from the table to find the ladies room. As she was leaving the stall, she hear footsteps and the door lock behind her. Spencer, what are you doing and why are you in the ladies room? I guess this is the only way I can get you alone tonight Spencer says.

Olivia's POV
As I was coming out of the stall in the ladies room, I see Spencer and wonder what the heck he is doing in here, "the ladies restroom". Spencer's response, Liv, what are you doing?  I responded by saying using the bathroom. That is not what I mean, Spencer responded. Why are you here at this banquet and with my teammate. Olivia responded by saying "Spencer everything in my life does not revolve around you".  If you think this is some type of payback or to make you suffer, you are further from the truth. Not that it is any of your business, Brian is a friend and the last time I checked, I had the freedom to talk to whoever I want. As I was reaching for the door knob to walk out of the ladies room, Spencer grabbed my arm, saying "I don't care how many guys you go on dates with, remember you are still mines, always has been and always will be".

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