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Turning the corner in the Baker's Home to sit down and finish their date for the night by watching a movie, Olivia and Brian find Spencer on the couch waiting for Olivia to get home.

Shock by the presence of her ex boyfriend, in her home, Olivia looks at Spencer and asks why he is there. Being a little petty, Spencer states, we did live here together for almost a year, so I consider this as my second home, you know with the beach house being my primary residence. And by the way, your mom let me in, and you know how much she loves me.

Quickly realizing where this was going, Olivia kindly pulls Spencer to the kitchen to have a quick conversation with him. "Spencer, why are you really here because we are barely on speaking terms and I'm sure you knew I was with Brian tonight". Liv, I'm here because you and I have a lot to talk about, I said this in the past. Olivia gives him a questionable look.

As their conversation gets a little loud, Brian comes over and asks Olivia if she is okay. She gives him a smile and says yes, she just need to deal with the intruder in her home.

She ensures Brian that she is okay by giving him a peck on his lips, which has Spencer blood boiling. Brian states that he will get the movie started in anticipation that Spencer would be leaving soon.

As Spencer and Olivia continue their very awkward conversation, "Girls Trip" begins to play.

Oh, one of my and Olivia's favorite movies, as he dismisses Olivia and makes his way over to the couch to sit beside Brian knowing there will be no room for Olivia.

Brian is not liking the 3rd person that has made himself comfortable and was now intruding on his and Olivia's date.

Not liking the movie Brian choose (because that is the movie he and Olivia use to watch on many of their movie nights), Spencer grabs the remote and brows the channels for another movie.

Looking at Spencer as if he has lost his mind, Olivia asks him to leave. He continues browsing through the channels to find another movie and he knows Brian is not taking this too well because he planned to spend the rest of the night alone with Olivia.

He stayed silent for the most part of Spencer and Olivia's conversation, but he didn't appreciate Spencer being there and especially making their night very uncomfortable.

Man, my girl has asked you to leave Brian stated. Quickly squirming at Brian calling Olivia his girl, Spencer gave him a death stare.  Your girl, Spencer stated, Olivia stood up and said yes, his girl.  With no defense and actually hearing Olivia restate what Brian said hurt Spencer, but who was he to be in his feelings knowing what he is currently experiencing with Olivia and the pain he feels is exactly what he put her through.  With this realization again, Spencer decided to go back to the beach house.

Sitting downstairs in the beach house and reflecting on his own life and mistakes, Spencer was reminded about the voice message that Billy left for him before he died.  He replayed the message again and smiled at the words coming from a man that he considered a father.  Listening to Billy saying Spencer was his legacy, Spencer received confirmation that his future was Olivia no matter what they had to go through beforehand. 

As a smile came on his face, he knew that he still had a lot of work to do to get the love of his life back, and that would start with an apology to his teammate knowing Olivia is currently not his and acknowledging that his actions tonight at his former home was inappropriate and immature. 

GAU Football Practice (next day)
As the players was leaving the locker room headed to the field, Spencer approached Brian.  Spencer, what do you want, says a very upset Brian.  Man I want to apologize for last night.  I was wrong for being at Liv's house and interrupting your date.  Liv and I was best friends before we starting dating, and I would like to get that back.  Accepting Spencer's apology, Brian stated that since we are teammates, we don't have to be friends, but we do have to respect each other for the team's sake. 

After practice, Spencer saw Olivia waiting by the locker room.  As he approached her, she looked away, but there was no avoiding Spencer since she was in his direct path.

Approaching Olivia, Spencer knew why she was there and who she was waiting for, but he asked if he could talk to her.  Pausing her response, Olivia finally said sure while her eyes wondered in a direction that was not him. 

Hi babe, Olivia stated as Brian approached her and kissed her on the lips 👄 in Spencer's presence.  Knowing this wasn't the right time to talk to Olivia, Spencer said a quick apology to both of them (although he apologized to Brian prior) and left.  Thinking to himself, if I stayed outside that locker room for another second, I would have thrown up.  Seeing the love of his life call another man "babe" and kissing another man in his presence, broke his heart. 

Walking out of the building, all Spencer could think of was karma, for how he hurt Olivia and how he made her feel bringing another woman in her presence. 

Spencer drove around for a couple of hours after he left practice trying to get his emotions together.  He found himself back in Crenshaw, back at his mom's home, this time he had a key and was able to let himself in.  As he opened the door, he came face to face with Grace Carter.  She looked at her son and he broke down in his mother's arms.

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