This Can't be Real

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Still at the Baker's house after Liv told Spencer to get out, he sit out on the back patio and reminisce about the times they were so in love?  Does she not love me anymore, has she moved on, is there someone else, I don't understand.

As Olivia comes back down stairs to lock up the house, she finds a disoriented Spencer still in the same place when  she told him to get out.  Why are you still here? Olivia says, I want you back Liv and I will do whatever it takes. 

Olivia POV
What ever it takes, right?  Let me remind you about a few things, since you say love me and want me back.  If your past actions after we broke up is an indication of how much you love me then, I don't want it.  So let's start here.  You broke up with me for a stupid reason, I didn't want to break up, but according to you, you broke up with me because you love me (if that is how you show love by breaking my heart, you can have it).  Then within a couple of weeks you forgot about me and started sleeping with that chick that sells wedding dresses. It's like you just stomped on my heart without without a second thought. Then you had the nerve to bring her to my dad's party, do you know how that made me feel?  You brought her a red dress for Valentines Day and decorated the beach house in a romantic setting for her, nothing I never received.  Then I confessed to you that I want us back and things spiraled afterwards.  I thought at least you would be there to comfort me when my dad died, but you were not.  After you saw me with Noah, you made things official with her.  It only took one night on a date with Noah to realize I didn't want him because my heart belonged to you.  You wanted to be friends, friends Spencer, how can I just be a friend with someone I was still madly in love with?  Your so called girlfriend left you when you needed her and you took her back after I convinced her and everyone else that you needed their support to help grieve my dad's death.  You even stayed with her after she admitted the only reason she came back to you is because I told her you needed her, she didn't come back on her own, you forgave her which is more than you have ever done for me.  You took her to my awards ceremony, knowing I wanted us back, but you took her anyways crushing on my heart.  Then you had the nerve to bring her to my house, my house Spencer.  It took everything in me not to break down in front of everyone.  Did you ever consider how that made me feel?  I mean did you even give it a second though?  No, you were too busy living your life and sleeping with another woman with no regard to how I felt.  If that is how you show me you love me, I don't want any parts of it.  Spencer you hurt me in ways that I didn't think was possible.  You threw me in the trash and traded me for an older model.  You said I was special, that I was it for you, that no one gets you or understand you the way I do.  You said you would never leave me and always be there, but you lied, and you moved on like I never mattered at all.  You can't even imagine the pain I felt, but you didn't care just as long as Spencer James was getting what he wanted at the time.  You stayed with her because she went through a bad heartbreak.  What about me Spencer, you didn't think twice about breaking my heart, but I guess you didn't really care.  So now you come to me ready to get back together after hurting me over and over again. Did you ever love me?  Because from where I'm standing, you were worried more about hurting that girl than you was worried about hurting me.  But you know what Spencer, I don't trust you, and I certainly don't trust my heart with you, not any more.  It's like you enjoyed seeing me hurt and you didn't give a dam.  So go find the bridal chick, I know she will be there with her arms wide open waiting for you.  Or maybe you can get a new girlfriend so that you can protect her heart, while stomping on mine. 

Spencer POV
Liv I never meant to hurt you, and I had no idea how much I broke up.  Please Liv, I will do anything to win your trust back and win you back.  Our story is not over and I will fight for you if it takes the rest of my life.  You are the love of my life and I my heart breaks realizing how much I hurt you.  I love you Liv, with all my heart, I never stopped.

Olivia POV
It's over Spencer, I don't trust you and I refuse to put my heart on the line for you again.  Actions speaks louder than words and your actions over the last few months solidified for me that you never loved me and our relationship was a lie.  Goodbye Spencer, I am over this and have moved on.  Maybe one day we can get our friendship back, but for now, you are no longer a part of my life.

The reconciliation that he was 100th percent sure would happen that night turned into a nightmare that knocked him off his feet and broke his heart knowing what she went through and hearing her say it is over.

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